Chapter Two

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"Ugh, where is that girl? We're going to be late because of her" came the voice of Sarah's sister Emily, she was the second daughter of the spade kingdom, she was a spoiled brat who always got whatever she wanted.

"Don't ask me! She's probably trying to find a dress that will be able to hide her ugly body" the oldest of the sisters said, her name was Raven and it represented her personality perfectly, since she was always rude and had a scary aura to her, just like her father.

"Sarah!" The king yelled "if you don't come down this instant we're leaving without you!" He yelled again, then proceeded to count to three "one" "two" "thre-" "I'm coming!, I'm coming!"

The family all watched as Sarah came running down the stairs, she absolutely breathtaking, and the family knew that too. It was obvious that Sarah had the most beauty out of her sisters, she had gorgeous dark brown hair that reached her lower back, and a beautiful pair of dark brown eyes that almost looked completely black, and she certainly didn't look like her age since the extra weight she had on gave her a more mature look, and she was naturally born with long legs, that made her go up to a 170cm height at the age of fourteen!

"I'm sorry I took so long! They were just finishing up my hair" all her family members scoffed as they looked at her. "We don't care what you were doing, we're gonna miss the ceremony if we don't hurry up! Let's go!" The king exclaimed as all his family followed him outside to the carriage.

And with that they left the kingdom, with Sarah not knowing that what her fate had planned for her.

This is my first story so the chapters are going to be short for the first 2 or 3 chapters so please bare with me, and if there's any mistakes please correct me in the comments.

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