Chapter 1

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He stood there, basking in the warm sunshine, his locks up in a half ponytail, piercings and lip chain in display, in other words, he was truly a gorgeous man.

I'd never seen one as beautiful as him.

He stared at me, for the first time, I saw his eyes devoid of any emotion. That made me scared.


" I want to end this relationship with you"

There, he said it. The words I have been dreading for the past two weeks.

My eyes welled up in tears as my hands trembled, gasping to say anything. Nothing came out.

I couldn't look at him anymore, I just stared down at the green grass in the park.

I nodded.

"I'm sorry Izumi" and with that I took off, as fast as I can in my crutches, the cast on my wrists and the unforgettable pain in my heart.

He watched you run, eyes gleaming in somewhat pity and shock. That was the first time you had ever said his first name.

He walked a few feet behind you, just to make sure you wouldn't trip or fall, the least he could do to get rid of the guilt in him and his promise to her, he vow to never break.

"I'll never leave you" "I promise I'll always be here for you" "I promise to love you till death do us apart"


You slam the door as you fell down on the bed, your broken joints screaming in pain.

You laid there silent, it wasn't until your phone buzzed to a familiar voice.

"Cakie-channn, come heree"

That's when you broke. The pipes in your eyes loosening to no end, the tightness of your throat, the trembling pain in ur hands, and mostly your chest that was tight.


Miyamura sat at his desk which was now in the middle of the room next to Hori-chan.

His eyes trailed her features, her little laughs, smiles and quirky nature, all in all, she was a beautiful girl, full of life,

Miyamura always kept thinking he didn't deserve such an angel like her.

"Yaaa students" Yasuda sensei spoke out in a playful loud tone.

The class started, everyone was present except for one.

Hori couldn't help but noticed how Miyamura's eyebrows twitched in worry.
Hori could understand, Miyamura always helped Cakie-chan to school and back after her injuries. He practically took care of her as her parents were never really around nor did they care. She squeezed his hands warmly, in concern for you and him.

She truly was an angel.

Quarter through the class. The door slammed open, gasps oohs ahs could be heard through out the class.

Miyamura turned his head, wondering what the big commotion was about.

There you stood, making ur way to Yasuda sensei who couldn't even hide his boner for the sake of his student.

In other words, you were a hot fucking mess.

You were in your junior high uniform. The top ending just 4 inches from ur belly button , it's buttons mismatched, your busty tan cleavage on display, below ur bellybutton hanging onto ur waist, was the skirt of 11 year olds, it barely covered anything but your but, ur chub thighs sticking out from the high socks, one shorter than the other.

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