1. From Alexandros to Paris.

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So, a long time ago, before the so-called Trojan War, there was of course the beginning of the Trojan War (TW for short) and it was called the Judgment of Paris. Paris of Troy had a long past.Actually, his name was Alexandros, and he was a son of Priamos, until Priamos and Queen Hekabe had nightmares about the new child. Priamos had nightmares that his child would be the destruction of Troy. Hekabe had visions of the child being a torch that will burn Troy.So they decided to dump the child somewhere else.The child was indeed put away in a place where there were many animals, such as bears.A shepherd saw the child and quickly ran away, only to return.


Alexandros was crying behind a bush. He had no idea where he was, only that he should not be here. A girl came walking towards him. Long, fiery hair, soft brown eyes and a long, Greek robe. She gave him food. Then she disappeared, in an explosion of fire.


The shepherd returned and found the child. The shepherd was happy. His wife had just given birth to a dead child, and she was in great pain.The shepherd took Alexandros and put him in his shepherd's bag. That is where the name Paris comes from: Bag man.

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