𝟎𝟎𝟔 ‎ ·‎ ‎ ‎𝘤𝘪𝘢𝘨𝘢𝘳𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘤𝘢𝘳𝘥𝘴

Start from the beginning

LIKE ALWAYS, Mila couldn't sleep. Her eyes wouldn't shut, her body wouldn't relax, and the thousands of thoughts continued to swirl around in her mind as she continued to make up fake scenarios of random people's lives so she would have something to do until her body gave up and shut down.

  Tonight, the bad one's had come up, the bad one's about her, about it. She hates thinking about it, because it's the past, and frankly, the past sucks. Everything you regret, all the trauma, bad decisions, cringe worthy stories, and younger you that you wish you could be again so you weren't so aware of everything, sucks to think about.

  Mila loved to live in the future, or at least a few months ahead, like how she would usually think about prepping for her o.w.l.s, that wasn't so scary to think about as it. But the thing was, it rarely ever came up. It came up once in 2nd year when she told it to Ida, it came up hushed and quickly that one time when Mila was 7 and her mother was talking to Serenity's parents over dinner, and sometimes it came up in her dreams, and a couple of times it would flash in her eyes, and she absolutely hated it.


  It's hard to give a name to it, because it's hard to describe it, she was only so young, and only had such a small brain to grasp what her mother and brother explained to her the day before they shoved them on the train to Hogwarts and made it haunt her for a few weeks. Months. Years.  And Mila had only one way to rid of it, a method Ida strongly advised against, a method introduced to her in only the end of 2nd year when Serenity and Ruby dragged her into a Gryffindor party to hang out with some older girls.

  So she finally decided to get out of bed, she slipped on a quick black zip up before getting down on her knees lifting off the mattress of her bed. She slid her fingers under it as she finally brought out a small labeled white box, it was only slightly dusted. She wiped off the dust slipping it into her pocket as she grabbed her wand. Quickly she slipped on her worn converse, not caring if they were lose and untied. Quietly she turned the knob of the door, exiting the dorm.

  Trying not to anger the Fat Lady by waking her up she softly shut the portrait door behind her as she began wondering off looking for the perfect spot outside. She took in the nightly breeze and tried her best to be light on her feet, prefects were still out patrolling at this time after all. The last thing she wanted to do was get into trouble and knock off some points, along with earning herself a detention. She walked the open halls before she began making her way outside of the castle walls

  As she roamed the outskirts of the school on the grass looking for a good wall she noticed a shadowy figure against one. She stopped to take a look at them finally noticing it was in fact Sirius Black. His hair shadowed of his face, he looked extremely tired. Between his lips and his fingers was a cigarette frozen in place as he looked back at Mila. She looked around to check if there was anyone else, he nodded to her as she began making her way towards him.

  "Hi," Mila breathed.


"What are you doing up?" She questioned, shoving her hands into the pockets of her sweater. "I could ask you the same thing, Lassie," Sirius replied flatly as Mila rolled her eyes to the name, huffing she said, "To do the same as you I suppose," she fumbled with taking out the box of cigarettes, opening it to grab one out before she placed it back in her jacket. She took her wand out of her pant's back pocket muttering "Incendio" as she placed the flame to the cylinder, lighting it up. Sirius raised his eyebrows in a small sense of shock, "Didn't know you would smoke, you don't strike me as a smoker." He watched as she let out a puff of smoke, releasing it off into the air, "What do I 'strike' you as then?"

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