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𝔴𝔬𝔲𝔫𝔡𝔰 𝔥𝔢𝔞𝔩𝔢𝔡

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𝔴𝔬𝔲𝔫𝔡𝔰 𝔥𝔢𝔞𝔩𝔢𝔡

─── ‎ ‎ ‎★ ‎ ───

THE EARLY MORNING SUN KISSED MILA'S FACE. She sat outside, under a tree. She faced the black lake, her eyes closed as her head leaned back up against the tree. She had decided to skip breakfast, last night she had snuck into the kitchens to leave food for her stash, and might've taken a bit extra to eat in the moment, leaving her tired and full.

She opened her eyes when she felt a figure next to her, Ida. She watched her groan as she sat down, detangling her hair that got caught on the bark of the tree, along with spitting some out of her mouth. Ida put her head on Mila's shoulder, both of them closed their eyes. "Morning," Ida yawned.


Mila bundled herself up tighter in her robe, it was quite a chilly morning, as she breathed out she could almost see her breath. "What are you doing here?" Mila asked, "Oh, well, I thought you'd be out here so, I came to find you." The two had decided they should probably wake themselves up, Mila stretched out her legs in front of her before bringing her knees back to her chest. "It's not so weird that I'm out here," Ida stated, Mila hummed in response, "It quite actually is, I would've thought you sit in the Great Hall doing, you know."


"You know," Mila looked to her friend.

"I actually don't know, please, enlighten me since I seem to be such a bad friend that I wouldn't be out here with you!"

Mila chuckled and smiled to herself at the girl's internal denial, "That you'd be drooling all over for Daphne Clemons!" she teased, her head dancing along her shoulders. Ida rolled her eyes, a annoyed look plastered on her fact as she folded her arms sinking into her spot, "No I wouldn't, and I don't," she huffed, Mila was terrible at concealing her giggles, and got met with a hit in her arm. Mila scoffed before she began poking Iddy's stomach, "Don't think I catch you staring at her all the time!"

"I do not!" Ida was struggling at gripping M's hands away, "Iddy, your eyes are glued to the girl!" What a little poking fun was had turned into a bit of a baby fight. "What if I didn't have eyes!" "I'm looking at them right now!"
"Yeah but if I didn't you couldn't say that I glue my eyes to her!"
"Are you basically admitting you stare at your girlfriend so much you need an excuse me not to say so?"
"She's not my girlfriend!"
"But you admit you have a giant crush on her?" Ida ended up spitting in Mila's face before a voice rung out behind them.

MY MOON ‎ ·‎ ‎ ‎Remus Lupin [1] ON HOLDHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin