His thoughts were interrupted when he heard someone bring up how his tiny, doll-like mate was in charge of security for the Stark party. He had to double check and when he it was confirmed, he was at a loss to explain just how proud he was of her. However, he schooled his features because it was obvious that he was attracting attention. However, his face crumbled into absolute fury when she shifted under his gaze and inadvertently put the mark on her neck on full display. He hadn't meant to glare at her, right to her face, but he felt this indescribable desire to cover every single mark on her with his own and it was driving him mad. He was half tempted to drag her out of the office and claim her in every way imaginable but he was holding back because of Bucky as well as the sake of professionalism. 

It was then that a thought crossed his mind. What if the agent next to his soulmate was another mate to her? One thing was clear, he wouldn't share her with someone who only lusted after her. Someone who was possessive of her body as if she was a piece of property. She was a strong young woman who deserved more than that. Steve froze when Fury invited her to be his plus one. He was irritated that it wasn't him escorting her but Fury wouldn't make a move on the woman and would keep the young agent safe so he could live with the arrangement. That was, right up until Fury called her the girlfriend of Agent Rusher. Steve stormed out, half terrified of beating the man for laying claim to the beautiful little redhead that was destined to be his soulmate. 

Just as he began pacing the hall getting angrier and overthinking everything, two of his best friends walked off the elevator. Sharon and Nat both took a single glance at Steve before sighing. "What did Fury do this time?" Nat was aiming for funny but took a step back at the look of murder in her best friend's eyes. Sharon tried next. "Steve, what happened? Is Bucky okay?"

Steve shrugged and sighed. He told them they could talk about it later but to please keep the young redhead away from Agent Rusher tonight. The life of the man depended on their ability to do so. When they bid him goodbye, they watched him head to the elevator before heading into the office themselves.

As Steve rode the lift down to the ground floor, he was reminded of the meeting he was supposed to have with Fury. Instead of going straight back up, he went to the compound and did a full workout. After he was done, he went in search of Bucky. He needed to at least try and make up with him before his newest soulmate showed up to the Stark party that was being thrown to officially recognize Bucky as a member of the Avengers, no more grudges between him and Stark. They had gone to therapy together as well as focused on the present until Stark officially recognized that he blamed Hydra and not Bucky for the death of his parents. Steve knew he needed to get everything sorted and soon. 

As he passed by the lab Tony called out for him. "Hey Capsicle! I need some ideas for tonight."

Steve was about to shrug it off and keep going but stopped because Tony rarely asked him for ideas regarding any type of party plans. "What do you mean Tony?"

Tony's face scrunched up in confusion before going on to tell Steve about the last minute mission Bucky had been called out for. Steve was shocked. Bucky hadn't said anything to him. Before he realized what he was saying. Steve was telling Tony all about the new trainer and how she was in charge of his security for the party before being promoted but she still was happy to take charge of security. He explained what Fury had done and Steve was slightly apprehensive at the smile growing on the billionaire's face. Suddenly, Stark had Pepper's face on a screen in front of him in the lab. Steve just stood by as he listened to Tony ask his soulmate for her opinion of the young woman. Pepper had nothing but good things to say about the woman. She explained how well the newest security head got along with not only herself and Nat but that even Happy had taken a liking to her. The only reason he opted to bring the plus one that he was to the party was because she had told him that she was close with Agent Rosen. 

Walk the Line:  An Avengers Soulmate StoryWhere stories live. Discover now