Y/n. His heart ached when he thought of her. It was bad enough that he couldn't commit to the relationship that kept him afloat on bad days, or when his aunts left him for long periods of time, he always had a home with her. After he went to apologize once more, she disappeared into the game that he and the others were stuck in now. Limited lives, limited power, and no way to communicate with the outside world. The worst part was that Y/n was no where to be seen. He was terrified for Y/n, who was out there, alone. She had no one, completely on her own in this dangerous world.

Then again, it was Y/n. She was probably fine. If anything she was having a wonderful time in this new world. Making the most of this game. 

He saw an opening and jumped from rock to rock. The rocks started sinking when he touched them, "Damn! They're timed."

Wil started to pick up the speed, seeing an open ledge he jumped high and grabbed the ledge. Snakes slithered over his fingers making him  panic and push himself up, trying not to fall in the suspicious water. There were yellow mushrooms on the walls of the cavern. His eyes followed the glowing shrooms, they seemed to lead to the blue glow.

It was the final jump when he spotted a gold pillar to his right, connected to the wall. Will stopped and touched it. The gold totem emited green sparkles and a high pitch ding, "Please tell me thats-"

Words appeared in front of him, 'C H E C K P O I N T'

'yES!" Will almost slipped off of the ledge.

"That was a close one." Will said standing on the edge.

He heard cracking and looked around before he felt the floor move, "Oh shit."

The edge of the cliff broke, with Will on top, causing him to land in the purple water. The water turned red, and Will respawned. He peeked at the water from a safe distance, seeing the red water return to its "natural" color. He looked up at the blue glow and sprinted to the next ledge, continuing the pattern until he was on the highest ledge. The light grew brighter with every step he took, the need getting stronger. 

Will stopped in front of a carved rock, one fourth of a blue gem laid on the top of the rock in front of him. He looked around, seeing two tunnels. He listened. The one on the left with rushing water and the one on the right had moving leaves. Will's plan was to take the right path, hearing the leaves where his friends are. Hopefully the path leads directly to the maze.

 He picked up the gem, which grew brighter when he touched it. Suddenly, the gem rose and spun, hitting him on the chest.

Will's bar popped up, the blue glow shining strongly, "What the..."


Spencer sniffed the air, "Do you guys smell that?" 

Martha looked around to where the sound of Spencer's voice was, then smelled the air, "It smells like... street food?"

Bethany smelled the air, "It is! It smells like the open market in Brazil! I visited recently with my parents, it took way too long to convince them to join me." 

"Why is that important?" Fridge asked, walking towards the noises.

"Because, where there's food, there's people. Where's there's people-" Bethany was cut off by Spencer who finished her sentence, "-there's Y/n. Follow the smell!"

The maze started opening multiple entrances and exits faster. Timing was crucial in order to get past the fast-moving hedge, "What happens if we get trapped in-between fast moving hedges?" Martha yelled, concerned about moving past the hedge when it started to double its speed.

"I assume we're fine, right?" Alex answered as Martha ran forward and got caught in between the hedges.

She screamed and popped, her character looked flat, before regenerating and inflating back to her normal size, "No! We're not safe!" She checked her health bar, "On a good note, getting caught will make you lose half a bar.

"That's supposed to be good news?" Fridge asked, dodging the maze.

"Would you rather lose a whole bar?" Alex asked, trying to run faster.

"I'm out!" Spencer yelled, running though the hedge before it caught him.

"Me too!" Bethany yelled, waving to Spencer who walked over to her. 

One by one, they started to pop out of the maze, "Will?" Bethany yelled.

"Will?" Spencer joined Bethany, calling for him, not knowing that he wasn't anywhere near the maze.

"Where the hell is that guy?" Fridge looked at the, maze, which slowed its motion to its normal pace.

Suddenly the ground rumbled, the mountain side started to crumble and move. A small hole appeared from the mountain as a figure could be seen walking out. 

"Will?" Alex asked, looking at the figure as it waved.

"Hey guys! I kinda got lost, but I'm good! I just lost one life, Pro Tip: do not touch the purple water." Will laughed.

"Time to head to the city."

Jumanji - Level 3 - An Eye for an EyeWhere stories live. Discover now