Everything to Plan! NOT!

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"Our little Li is growing into a mother!!!" The cried in unison.

"Have mercy..."
"Did you have fun?" Turles smirked.

"It's the perfect ship! We that we can get to Planet Namek in just a month! We'll just have to revamp the interior a bit! We'll take off quick!"

"Just like Nappa's ship did?"

"Shut up, Turles!!!!"

"A faint glimmer of Luck." Korin smiled.

"Thank you, Mr. Popo- Gah!!! But you're the only one who knows Namekian!!"

"Mr. Popo can't go. Not being there will cause a lot of problems. Don't worry, Mr. Popo will teach you Namekian."

"Fine. But I better have someone come with me!!"

"Gohan and I should-"

"Two month trip there! All right I'll go!"

"No!!" Bulma rejected Master Roshi going along with her. "Gohan?"

"Nope!" Chichi crossed her arms.

"Man... I want to go." Goku pouted.

"I rather stay here than leave Earth. Traveling space was absolutely infuriating."

"For five minutes. Can you NOT be yourself!!"

"No. Because if I weren't I would be killing you all. Ha! Just messing with you!"

Bulma so badly wanted to smack him, but she remained as calm a she can. It would be going his way if she were to give in.

"Everything will be just fine."

"I'm still reluctant about this..." Chichi trembled. "My Gohan will be hurt. It's terrible to think about."

"Mom. Please. The more doubt you put into me-"

"No! You're right! I should never doubt you!"

"Awe, Chichi...."

"What is it, Goku?"

"I love you."

Chichi fainted.


"Well. We've got a while to prepare! So, you all better be prepared!"

Wow! Bulma, can we really get into space with this?" Krillin inspected the ship.

Bulma scowled. She hated that she decided to cut her hair short.

"Where's Gohan?"

"Oh, he called to say that he would visit the others at that hospital."

"Looks like he's here." Master Roshi pointed at the landing ship.

"Sorry we're a little late!"

"Whoa! What an amazing ship!" Ox-King grinned.

"Now then, Gohan. Be careful." Chichi crouched down fixing his tie. "Be sure to brush your teeth after meals."

(Dragonball Z)||Dragon Soul||+Oc Inserts||Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin