Chapter 2: Secrets Revealed

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As I had been making my way into the kitchen I could see that Kei had short circuited. Her loud scream had left her bewildered and me, so openly sharing how Im willing to share my past must have been a shock to her since she had probably thought that I would never do that but it must be done if I want to come to know the feeling called love. I already know that Kei is an indispensable person to me and the only one that is capable of making me feel love such that not even Ichinose who I had recently rejected after her confession on the abandoned island can even paramount to anything that Kei Karuizawa can me feel. Speaking of the devil, she's currently pouting probably due to the fact im taking longer then usual to make her hot coco. Cute.

"Kiyotaka! get over here already!"

"Hai, hai, you should probably stop pouting and frowning all the time Kei you'll get wrinkles on your face even though its cute" As soon as I had said that Kei's face had begun to turn all red again and she started frowning even more then she had been before.

"Hey, you said you'll tell me about your past didn't you"

Taking a sip of my coco I replied with apathetic face "that's right"

"Soooo how much will you actually tell me then?"

That's a good question, it was kind of a spur of the moment decision when I decided that I will be telling Kei about my past but how much should I actually tell her? and how much of it should I avoid even when telling her about certain parts of my past. I think ill tell her the important bits of how vigorous the whites room regime was and how I was the sole survivor of the so called demonic fourth generation, ill tell her about all the training that I have been put through but I don't think ill tell her that my father is still looking to expel me to get me to get back into that place since I cant afford to have Kei put in danger

"Good question Kei, how about you tell me what you want to know and we can see from there how I go about it"

"Okay, hmmmm~ how about you start with how your upbringing was and what you had done to get so cool and strong?"

"Alright Kei, but listen carefully and you cant tell anyone about this okay?"

Kei had just nodded. I then had proceeded to explain to her how I was brought up in a facility called 'The White Room' and how it was a place to make the perfect human being by using cruel and unjust methods, about how I became to be known as the white room's masterpiece by never failing and always surviving no matter what task they had given me. I told Kei the cruelty of what they did with kids who were deemed as failures and about how some kids were not able to keep up with the scheme and therefore there body's had been disposed off, leaving no one left in my year except me which I then explained the reason to Kei about why my communication and social skills are so bad.

After I had finished talking about my time as the sole survivor a silent pause had come upon us, not an awkward one but one that spoke multitude words. How Kei had been taking this all in and how Kei is feeling about it. The shock that is clearly visible on her face can be seen and she seems like she wants to say something but doesn't know exactly how to phrase it.

"So, um, Kiyotaka I understand everything that you said so far but what I don't understand is why didn't your parents do anything about you being in that place?"

"Well you see Kei, my mother had passed away soon after I was born and my father... well.. his the one that runs the place and was the one to have put me in that place to begin with. To be the perfect human being and to succeed Japans prime minister and take over from him the white room. But I escaped and instead I've to this school to learn about emotions and what a normal life is like."

There was a pause again. This time Kei had more of a mellowed out face and the silence wasn't uncomfortable instead it felt pleasant that I had finally told someone about my past and had found someone that I can trust. Kei still hadn't seemed like she was going to say anything until she had lunged at me and tackled me to my bed, positioning her head to be rubbing against my black buttoned up shirt which within minutes had become a pond full of freshly cried tears from Kei. Apparently after i had told Kei about some of my past, it must have pained her to hear that her boyfriend had to go through such a thing. I harbor no ill feelings towards that place as even I myself acknowledge it to be one of most efficient methods and it had taught me unimaginable things which i would have most probably have never learnt had i know not been raised in that facility nor would I have even met Kei in the first place.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2022 ⏰

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