ch11 - i'm screwed

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It was such good quality too, you couldn't help but think deeper about this. Was Porco also a photographer? That doesn't fucking matter! Look at the comments!

Sure enough, the amount of "Looks like Pieck had fun lol" comments from Marleyan students you didn't even know dwarfed the number of comments from students at Shiganshina.

How many followers does Porco even have? 4,273! How many people does he know?

Jean had managed to stand up from the floor and look over at your phone. He let out a whistle. "Oh, yeah, you're screwed."

"As if this couldn't get any worse, my mother is driving home right now! She'd have an hour to go before she gets here but with all the laws she's probably breaking, she'll get here in thirty."

"That sounds like a you problem," Jean said. His hangover attitude was not something you wanted to deal with on top of everything else.

"Who are you, Eren?"

Of course, you forgot about the doorbell. A party hadn't been thrown at your house since the beginning of summer vacation, a month before its installation. It had never been a concern before.

More importantly, two imperative people were missing from the notifications. You could only assume Reiner meant Armin, so he was probably suffering from a hangover of his own.

Pieck was the other woman in the photo and she hadn't bothered contacting you at all. What did it mean? You were both drunk, so maybe nothing. That feeling of doubt was back and pounding inside your head like a mallet.

Thoughts swam through your mind. Pieck's elevated feelings for you were an obvious suspicion you held inside for weeks. You couldn't figure out your feelings for her. That was what had stopped you the whole time. She liked you but you didn't know how you felt.

Then there was Armin. When he ignored you, you hated it. It was confusing and annoying. It was when you wanted his attention most. A single from him now would be comforting, even if it was sent with malicious intent. You just wanted to hear from him. You just got him back.

You sighed deeply and pinched the bridge of your nose. "Go home, Jean."

"What about the mess?"

"Just go. I'm already busted." You slumped back down on the bed, tossing your phone to the floor. Jean nodded and pulled the covers over your shoulders.

Your bedroom door closed softly behind him and you heard his steps as he padded down the staircase. You shoved your face into your pillow and screamed until you fell back asleep.

When you awoke, you were greeted by the sight of your mother. She was furious and snapping her fingers in your face. She was so mad that she let out a huff and left the room with no words.

You scrambled to get out of the tangled sheets, glancing at the clock which read 10:15 A.M. Your phone was gone. She must have taken it already.

Preparing for the lecture that awaited you down the stairs, you reluctantly climbed out of bed. Thus began the worst week of your life.

You had never been more bored of your own house. After your mother got home, she wasted no time punishing you severely.

She took away your phone and your car keys. This left you with no way of sorting out the social media situation. You weren't allowed to speak with any friends or leave your house for the entire two weeks. If you weren't so scholarly and read for fun, you might have just about died of boredom.

When your father and brother got home later that week, you were relieved in a way. Sure, your dad was furious, but anything was better than being stuck with your mom who did nothing but stare at you disappointedly.

This was hell, but you'd rather stay there than go back to school.

Reluctantly, you were given back your stuff. Texts from anyone and everyone surfaced as you turned your phone back on. Again, there were two people still missing from the picture. Armin and Pieck hadn't done so much as to shoot you a text. Just peachy.

You climbed into your car and Luca got into the passenger seat. He knew it was better to keep quiet than to ask. Smart kid.

You felt more and more nauseous as your tiny sedan got closer and closer to the school. Sighing as you took your keys out of the ignition, you and your brother stepped out into the student lot. The sun was out and melting the snow around the school's entrance.

You grabbed the metal handle and swung it open, greeted by the long, yellowed hallway. The walk had been dreadful and forever.

Your homeroom classroom had few students when you walked in, but all eyes were on you. Some of them hadn't even attended the party.

When your friends showed up, Mikasa and Eren were overjoyed to find you were alive. Armin said nothing. He didn't even look at you.

"What the hell happened to you, party girl?" Eren smacked your arm and bit down on his lip in a grin.

You filled them in on the lengths and severity of your punishment. The two nodded along and said they were busted too. Jean and Armin had their parents called too, also getting them into trouble. You apologized for being the cause of their suffering but you weren't all that sorry since you got the worst of it.

By lunchtime, you'd gotten your fair share of stares. Some were disgusted, some were congratulating. Overall, people just looked. The whispers were either pitiful or condescending. It felt like everyone was looking at you.

Reiner, Bertholdt, Annie, and even Hitch stared at you as you walked over to your table. It didn't matter when you saw the judgement free looks your friends wore. Most of them, at least.

"Where's Armin?"

Jean grimaced. "About that..."

"He's totally ignoring you!" Eren blurted. It clearly pissed him off.

"He's a boy, Y/n. He needs to grow up but he doesn't have the brainpower to do so," said Mikasa.

"Okay, I'm just going to stop ignoring the elephant in the room. The picture? I can only guess that Porco posted that without your permission. It's not even up anymore," Eren clarified, as usual.

"I feel like everyone's looking at me," you confessed, breathing out slowly.

"That's because they are. I heard some Marley transfers talking about what a slut you are." Jean was always the brutally honest one.

"Are you kidding? Why is this such a big deal? Is it because I kissed a woman? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought this was supposed to be a rather progressive school," you pointed out, growing angrier by the minute.

"Nobody would care if he didn't post anything," Eren said. It was something Armin would have said if he wasn't doing anything else except talking to you. What a child.

As you concluded that Armin was being completely immature, your phone buzzed. What awaited you shocked you to your core.


word count: 1.6k

okay so it's a month late but it's here...
i'm so sorry y'all. i've been so busy, exhausted, and completely drained from softball and school. i'm hoping to get back on the grind but to do that updates might be a bit irregular. taking it back to the old days. consider it some listen to the music nostalgia <33 i even slipped a little easter egg in there. see if you can find it!

WHEN HE SEES ME - A.A.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon