Nothing but Sweets

Start from the beginning

You+Inumaki's wonderful, detailed, very long compliment=tomato.
{Again, I'm great at math}

You couldn't utter a single word, you didn't even know where to begin with responding to his compliments. "Toge, I- do you really feel that way? Do you really think I'm always so beautiful, even when I was being a little bitchy with that waitress?"

Inumaki hummed. "Yes, I really do. I feel like you're always the most perfect and beautiful person ever, regardless of how you may act or behave. I know that you always do what you believe is the right thing. You're just... absolutely perfect in my eyes. There's no other way to describe you, at least in my opinion. And this is all the truth- how I really think and feel."

Your heart skipped a beat when you heard his words, beating at an almost inhumanly fast pace as you stare at him while processing every one of his thoughts. "Toge... thank you so much. I don't think you know just how much your words mean to me. You make me so happy. I really wouldn't want to even imagine a world- my life- without you in it."

And with such wonderful timing, that damn waitress comes back yet again. Luckily, she brought the sweets you two had ordered. "F/s for the bitch who I hope gets hit by a bus. And our mochi assortment for the hot boy that can stay here as long as he wants." She smiled at Inumaki and winked."

"I'm leaving with the beautiful girl sitting across from me the moment I finish paying the bill."

You muffled your giggles the moment you listened to Inumaki's thoughts. "Toge... first of all, thanks for the compliment. And secondly, nice comment in response to her words. Let's cuddle in my room when we get back to the dorms."

His eyes widened slightly not realizing that you were listening in on his thoughts. He smiled and blushed, making and keeping eye contact with you. He nodded. "I'm spending the night in your room then."

Kaya believed that she was the reason he started smiling and blushing, obviously being unable to hear thoughts- completely ignoring the facial expressions and small bodily gestures being exhanged between the two of you. "I'll see you later, cutie." She winked at him yet again, and walked away from the table- she obviously hoped Inumaki was watching her cuz she was tryna be sexy.

Inumaki wasn't giving even the slightest bit of attention to her. His focus was 100% on you, his purple orbs staring into your e/c ones. "Y/n."

Your attention had shifted to the desserts, already taking a bite out of your f/s. "Toge... can I try some of your mochi ice cream, please?"

He wasn't expecting you to focus on the sweets so quickly, nonetheless he was more than willing to share his order with you... on one condition. "You didn't even need to ask. But, I want a bite of your f/s."

You hummed, taking your utensil (if one is needed for your choice of confection) and scooping up some of your dessert. You held it up to Inumaki's mouth. "Here, just let me know if you want more."

Inumaki didn't know what to expect, but that wasn't it. With a bit of hesitation, he ate the bit of your food. His eyes lit up as he tasted how sweet it was- just the perfect taste. "So good! Thanks, Y/n!"

You gave a small smile as you took a bite from his mochi ice cream assortment, grabbing one of the f/micf (favorite mochi ice cream flavor). "Yours is good too."

You held out the mochi ice cream for him to take a bite (since there only happened to be one of each flavor within the assortment), to which he happily obliged. Indirect kiss.

"Yup. The sweets here are really good. Maybe should come back here sometime, preferably when that waitress isn't working."

You nodded. "Yeah. But even if she is here the next time and is bothering us, I'll just grab the person in charge and send in a complaint."

Inumaki chuckled. "As long as you don't leave, me alone with her, I'll be fine with anything you do."

You smiled, feeling your love for him flowing throughout your body. This was it- the thing you wanted most... well almost. You and Inumaki were so relaxed around each other.

The night had ended with you two cuddling on your bed back at the school's dorms. Neither of you had confessed your feelings for each other throughout the duration of that entire date- even though there were so many opportunities to do so.

In the end, both of you had decided to yourselves (without the other's awareness) that this had been a date, and that it wasn't the right time to confess. Neither of you knew that the other feels the same- these romantic feelings are mutual. Which had left you both wanting to hold off, not wanting to risk anything happening to your current relationship in case the other doesn't feel the same.

But that didn't matter to either of you- you two couldn't care less about confessing. It was already clear that you two just wanted to spend quality time together while things were calm- no missions being assigned. And that's exactly what the two of you did.

It wasn't yet clear that hell was about to break loose.

Your life was soon going to change, something serious was building up. No one would be prepared for the heartache that would soon take hold of you and a few others.

Things as you know it are going to be destroyed.

You're most likely going to lose someone you love to death.

And he'll be taken right before your eyes.

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