Nothing but Sweets

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The drinks arrived. The waitress, Kaya, went back to smiling at Inumaki. "What kinda sweets do you like?"

You glared. "I'll take f/s. And Toge will have the mochi ice cream assortment." Luckily, you knew Inumaki likethe back of your hand- you remembered he absolutely loves mochi ice cream.

{idk if that's accurate to what he'd really like, but he gives me the vibe that he really likes mochi ice cream}

Kaya looked at you, a scowl on her face. "Why don't you let him speak for himself?"

You smirked, knowing you had the upperhand when it comes to knowing things about Inumaki. "Toge's mute- he can't speak. Looks like you don't know a thing about him. That's a real shame... considering I know everything about him."

Inumaki was watching this in pure amusement. He knew what you were doing, and was enjoying every moment of it. 'She looks really attractive when she puts people in their place. Why does she keep giving me more reasons to love her?"

Kaya seemed pissed with how you were treating her. "Shut the fuck up."

Evil grin: on. "That's no way to treat a paying customer. I wonder how your boss would feel if there was a complaint about poor customer treatment from a server."

Kaya huffed and walked away, taking your orders to give to the kitchen staff.

Inumaki snickered. "Wow Y/n, never thought I'd ever see this side of you."

You rolled your eyes, giving a sweet smile to the boy sitting across from you. "She started it. Besides, we both would rather have this between just the two of us, right?"

He nodded. "Of course. As I've said, you're the only one I want to see while we're here."

Just then, you remembered something. "Hey, Toge. You were starting to say something to me before that waitress first interrupted. What was it?"

Inumaki stayed silent, choosing not to say what he was about to before that first interruption- which would have been a confession, spilling all his feelings for you. "Oh... I don't remember. guess too much happened and I must've forgotten what I was going to say."
He decided he wasn't ready to confess his feelings for you just yet.

You sigh. "Understandable. So... anything you wanted to talk about while we're here? I know you didn't want to come here just to eat sweets."

His cheeks tinted a light pink. "Well, I wanted to ask a few things."

You raised a brow. "Hm? Like what?"

"When we got back after the incident at that hospital, what did Gojo say?"

"That, huh? Well, he told me how serious it was- the damage, I mean. And he told me that everyone who witnessed it had to lie to the higher ups in the report to prevent me from getting into trouble. Gojo also asked me how I did it, to which I didn't have the answer. Then he had to lecture me about controlling my emotions, since he didn't say anything before."

Inumaki smiled. "Ok. I was also wondering about something. When we work together, do you prefer changing strategies at times?"

You shake your head. "Toge, let's not talk about Jujutsu or curses. This is supposed to be a relaxing day, right? Why don't we just talk about something else?"

He nodded. "Alright. I just haven't been able to get this out of my head all day. You're the most beautiful person I've ever seen. You always look so perfect with everything you do- all without even trying. I'm just always in awe when I see you. And today, you just look so much cuter than normal. You really look amazing in that outfit, your hair and makeup were done really well too."

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