004.Hot and Cold

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(Tangled up in blue)

Hayley was rummaging through the cupboards in the plantation trying to find something to soothe her cravings but nothing seemed to look appealing. Nora had heard the girl banging all the cupboard doors and was curious. The original stood at the door staring at the wolf who had yet to notice her in amusement. Hayley had seemed to feel someone staring at her so swung around and jumped in shock when she saw the brunette female laughing at her.

"Oh my god, you scared me. I didn't know anybody was here" Hayley sighed in relief realizing it was only one of the many Mikaelsons that lived there. "Well love, I could here you rustling around from all the way upstairs" Nora chuckled.

"Sorry, I can't seem to find anything that seems interesting enough to get miracle baby to settle" Hayley said in annoyance looking at her swollen stomach that had gotten drastically bigger than it was and you could now tell that the girl was pregnant.

"Well I'm not the best chef but I'm sure I can make something" Nora smiled reaching into one of the higher cupboards to get the bagels and put them in the toaster. "I've never tried one of those before" the wolf admitted making the original swing around to her in shock.

"You've never tried a bagel, your living under a rock sweetheart" Nora laughed in surprise going over to the fridge and getting out the ham and cream cheese. "Where is everyone anyway, nobody other than you ever seems to be around" Hayley quizzed not actually bothered as she enjoyed the one on one time she got with the the girl.

"Well Niklaus is somewhere bonding with Marcel, trying to find away to set a vampire up and Bekah is pretending to be friends with the blonde bartender from Rousseau's that Marcel has taken interest in. I'm saying it's jealousy but she insists it's not. And I'm always the only one around because I didn't want to be here in the first place so unless I'm physically dragged or forced to leave the house I'm staying within its premises" Nora rolled her eyes at the thought of her sisters feelings for Marcel.

When the toaster popped the vampire cut the bagels in half and put the ham and cream cheese onto it before plating it and serving it to the werewolf. Hayley had sat down on the island with Ellanora standing opposite her watching in amusement as the pregnant girl practically swallowed the bagels whole moaning at the taste. "I'm guessing miracle baby likes bagels" the original laughed causing the younger girls cheeks to flame.

"Yeah" she nodded sheepishly. "I don't know why I've never tried those before and miracle baby is definitely impressed" she grinned making the vampires stomach go all fuzzy and she did not like that at all so she cleared her throat before excusing herself. "I'll be in the living room if you need anything love" she explained grabbing the nearest bottle of alcohol and walking away.

The last time Ellanora's stomach fluttered at someone's smile was almost a millennium ago and she did not want to go down that path ever again so she drank attempting to remove the image of the girls grinning face from her thoughts. When she finished the bottle of vodka she'd picked up, she searched for something else to drink and when she had finished that bottle she repeated the cycle again, there was no way she was allowing herself to be sober .

Meanwhile Hayley furrowed her eyebrows at the girls sudden coldness, one minute she was making her food and teasing her then the next she was avoiding her like the plague. It was like hot and cold you never knew what version of the girl you were going to get but then if you said or did the wrong thing she would switch and you'd have to start again from square one.

Hayley had gotten to know all of the originals in the time she'd been with them even Elijah despite the short time she had spent with him but the one she really wanted to get to know was like a door with a thousand locks that came with a million wrong keys. She'd learnt things about Ellanora from the girls siblings but only the basics like that she was grieving the loss of her brother and that she was vicious when it came to protecting her family, but weren't they all?

One thing she had learnt though was that when she had heard people talk about Klaus returning to New Orleans they were more bothered about the brunette female the knew would follow because Klaus alone was bad but Klaus and Ellanora together was destructive and damn right terrifying.


"And I have to attend this ridiculous party because" Nora complained. "Because little sister I need you to help me convince Marcel that we are on his side and as soon as you showed yourself to him you were threatening to kill him so it's time to make a good impression Nora" Klaus demanded. "Fine but if any of his little vampire crew follow me or get in my way they will be leaving with less body parts than the arrived with" Nora warned. "Well for their sake they better stay out of your way" he chuckled.

Rebekah, Nora and Klaus walked into Marcel's party the girls' arms linked with their brothers who was in the middle. "If they don't have any good alcohol I'm leaving" Nora muttered. "You can't leave until everything's on track" Klaus scowled making his oldest sister sigh in annoyance.

"This party's a bit dramatic don't you think, what is the need for that girl to be dancing on silk she looks ridiculous" Nora stated eyeing the performer in disgust. "If you don't stop complaining I'm going to rip your vocal cords out, it's a party Ella loosen up" Rebekah encouraged earning a bored stare in response.

"Well I must say this certainly is a fitting backdrops for tonight's events" Klaus smirked but it soon dropped when he saw Cami walk in causing Ellanora to chuckle. "Oh you really are a devious little thing aren't you Bex" Nora laughed. "What's she doing here?" Klaus muttered to the blonde. "What better way to distract Marcel than to put his very human new girl in a room chock full of vampires?" Rebekah explained proud of herself grabbing her sisters hand as she pulled her towards the girl.

"I'm not a dog Rebekah, don't drag me" Ellanora scowled and her sister just rolled her eyes in response. "Hello darling you look precious" Rebekah complimented. "This party is ridiculous, but I think I could get used to this place" Cami smiled. "Do I know you you look awfully familiar" Cami questioned the brunette at Rebekah's side.

"I'm Ellanora love, Rebekah's older sister. It's lovely to meet you and my sisters correct you look gorgeous darling" Ellanora complimented holding her hand out for Cami to shake as she looked smugly at Marcel winding him up about the fact his human interest was making friends with her.

"Is he the infamous on-again/off-again?" Cami asked looking towards Klaus who was staring at the girls creepily causing Nora to snort in amusement. "He's the brother actually, and as my sisters said you do look stunning" he flirted walking to join his sisters. "You clean up pretty nice yourself." Camille replied.

"Well don't be fooled love. I'm the devil in disguise" Klaus smirked. "You two chit chat. I need booze" Rebekah but in before turning away. "Ugh, finally. I second that" Nora smiled following behind her sister. Marcel saw the sisters separate from Cami so made his way towards them at the bar. "You trying to be cute inviting her here?" Marcel grinned falsely.

"I think she's darling" Rebekah added smoothly. "She is a pretty little thing isn't she, but we mean no harm just trying to make friends" Nora smiled sarcastically. "You don't make friends Ellanora" Marcel accused narrowing his eyes at her.

"Oh don't be so dramatic Marcellus, I've had a change of heart, besides you're ruining my chances of getting drunk with all this chat so I'm going to take this and go" She told him grabbing the bottle of bourbon she'd stolen from the bar and began to make her way back to her brother. "Stay away from Cami Nora" Marcel spoke knowing full well the girl had heard him but she just smirked to herself.

"I'm beginning to think your sisters a bit of a bitch" Nora heard Cami say as she walked back over. "It's as though she invented the term" Klaus chuckled. "She's just a little hard headed is all but if you couldn't tell by the lack of people trying to communicate with us, my family aren't the nicest people ever" Nora hinted even though the human wouldn't understand. "Why would you say that" Cami laughed thinking the girl was joking.

"Don't worry about it love" Nora smiled seeing the glare her brother was sending her. Klaus saw Marcel come towards Cami as Diego walked in indicating that his plan was in motion so he excused himself and Nora from Cami and dragged her away before Marcel could get there.

"As I said to Rebekah, I'm not a dog Nik so if you keep on dragging me I'm going to pierce your eyes out with a fork" she growled making her brother instantly drop her arm and nodded towards Marcel where she realized what was happening. "And it begins" Klaus smirked "That's our cue" Nora smirked back as she linked her arm with her hybrid brothers as they left together.

Aphrodite// Hayley MarshallWhere stories live. Discover now