CHAPTER 3 : Go Back.

Start from the beginning

ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Rest?! Alright, they aren't your boss or anything, YOU are the Boss and you don't to do everything they say! That's what the CEO is about and what it means. But to be honest, he does needs rest and a break because of that project he has been working on. What's so special about it? Like not that it's gonna change the world!

"Dad. You have been working on this silly little project you've made for the past years, and on top of that, you own a company. You're telling me you took a day off like right now?! WHY NOT DO THAT YEARS AGO! Why right now?! I know you've been struggling so much by raising me all alone ever since Mom died, and when this bitch Stella came to your life with this brat Stacy, i've never seen you more happy like ever. If this project of yours is important to you, then you should keep going, on your own. You don't need anyones help, you can do it."

Of course, he needed help, i admit that i once took a small little peek while he was working, but that's not important. What i said made me think of something that is related to that. I decided to go outside, just for some fresh air that's all. I was kind not in the mood, and was thinking, to do something that makes me feel better. And THAT IS FLYING A JET! I do have my own high techno jet, that I have been rebuilding for the 25th time I crashed and surprised that it's works like a charm! Well, when turn it on, it makes some weird noises coming from inside I believe. I knew that this one is not working. I know i know you are probably confused that when I said I'm not good at inventing things and stuff, but I can be good at it, sometimes.

I did the unthinkable, is to steal a jet. But I forgot that, jets have high security, you need to have the owner of the jet DNA and putting the fingerprint. Usually, flying a jet makes me more calm of what's going through my head. But I decided to do it anyways. It's crazy. I know. You don't have to tell me.

After hours of trying to steal a high techno jet, I finally got it. How did I do it? You don't wanna know. It's a secret. Anyway, I got up and start it. This jet was any other jet I have ever seen! The buttons and switches was not familiar to me and i didn't know what to do, so i pushed all the buttons and switches slowly, but then, one button I pushed left me in trouble.

I woke up. To me, feeling like I was falling from 20 feet off the ground, but when i looked down, I WAS LITERALLY FALLING! Oh my God, oh my God, I didn't know what to do!! As i tried to get this jet to fly up again, the controls were not working and the jet is completely busted and broken. Looks like, this is the end.

I woke up, again. Feeling dizzy, I think i was unconscious for a couple of minutes. I looked around and everything, looked.. Normal. Yes, normal! I take a look at the jet to see how is it going on to see if it can fly up, but no luck, it's damaged and it needs a new repair. Looks like i have to find some missing parts for this jet and fix it so that i can get out of here. I brought my handy gun like from the future to carry with me in case something bad might happen, and also think of a plan to hide this broken jet so if somebody come wander around in this place and suddenly sees a futuristic jet then starts messing with it. I can't have a jet in plain sight like this in the woods! After countless hours of hiding this massive jet, i finally done it. It was night time when i finished it, and what thought of spending the night and by tomorrow, i can search for some supplies, food, or any resources that are helpful to me.

It was the next day, and now for the quest to find some resources to get out of this place. After a couple of minutes of walking, i spotted something to seems to be a building. It was a city! And when i looked around, i immediately knew something was off. Regular cars? Not like the flying cars from where i lived? That was pretty much it, other than goody old modern buildings years ago. Wait. Old modern buildings? Did i go back to the past? AM I IN THE PAST?! Holy crap, don't panic! I'm sure it's nothing, you just need to find some of the missing parts from the jet and get to the year 2040! Simple as that! I hope. I hope i don't have to stay here for a month, because repairing a jet can take so long.

After a couple of minutes walking in the city, i felt like a lot of people were staring at me. Like i'm not supposed to be here. I mean of course I am not! But when i spotted something weird, it was a boy, wearing such old clothes from the 19's. He was in the middle of the road, panicking, screaming, it's like he isn't supposed to be here. Like me. Until, this girl/boy rescued him and took him somewhere. I heard police sirens coming from the distant, i thought maybe i am in trouble. Or did the Time Police is come here to get me for going back to the past! I decided to run. After running, i almost ran out of breath and decided to take a break, i saw a small like alley where alchohol addicts come to drink there and not get caught by the police. I decided to go, as i about to enter the alley, there were two people, i didn't know who they were but one of them are familiar.

"Hey! I know you! You're the boy who caused that big scene right there in the middle of the road! And you must be the girl/boy who came to the rescue." - Thomas

"Look kid, are you here to tell the police? Because he, is innocent! He didn't do anything wrong, he was just confused and he panicked. If you are here to interrupt us, please move along. I can do it on my own, i can help him on my own." - Y/N (You)

I can tell this person is, independent i guess or i don't know. As i was about to walk away, they grabbed my hand and pulled me into the valley. I was like, what the fuck!? I was about to throw a tantrum at this person, they were looking at me, like they were confused of some sort. Look, i didn't do anything, i just want to get out if this place and be in 2040 where i belong.





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