The Boy Who Lived

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Isabella strolled into her new dorm room, calmly scanning her surroundings as she opened the dark wood doors. As she walked into the room she noticed three girls already unpacking their trunks. All three turned their heads at the sound of the door opening. Isabella recognised two of the three girls, they were the ones with Theo on the train. The two seemed to recognise her too as they smiled and invited her into the room.

"Isabella! I'm so glad you're our roommate this year!"squealed Daphne in excitement.

Pansy rolled her eyes at her friend before turning back to Isabella"Sorry about her, she tends to get excited. But we really are happy to be roommates with you."said the short haired Slytherin.

"Are you two going to introduce me?"spoke the third girl in the room.

Isabella turned her head towards the girl who was leaning on one of the bed posts on the other side of the room. The girl had olive eyes and muted red hair. It wasn't bright like Weasley's, instead it was almost like a dying fire, reduced to nothing but embers and yet not completely diminished.

"Oh right, sorry! Isabella this is Clara Sewlyn. Clara, this is Isabella Rosier and before you ask, she's apart of the Rosier line in France. The Rosier line here ended years ago."introduced Daphne with a smile.

  Isabella eyed Clara before stepping forwards and extending her hand with a polite smile "Pleasure to meet you Clara." The ginger glanced at her hand for a moment before almost reluctantly placing her hand in hers. "Likewise"replied the girl although to Isabella it hardly seemed like she was happy to meet her.

  The four girls chatted for a little longer before they went back to unpacking their things and a peaceful silence filled the room. After Isabella had finished putting everything away she immediately went away to shower and change into her sleepwear before making her way back to her bed. Once she was sat on her canopy bed she pulled out a piece of parchment and a quill to pen a letter to her father, having promised to write to him as soon as she could.

Dear father,
                I have settled into my dorm just a moment ago and I'm going to sleep soon. Hogwarts is beautiful and is just magnificent as you described it, I think I'm going to really enjoy my time here. I haven't yet been acquainted with Harry Potter although I have seen him from afar. He seems to have befriended a Weasley of all people, the Weasley was unpleasant and an absolute sod so I have no idea how he sidled up to Potter. He also seemed to know that half giant you that went to school with you, Hagrid? He's now the groundskeeper so I saw him at the train station when we arrived. I hope you are doing well back at home and not overworking yourself. Remember to eat and don't lock yourself up in your office all day, it's not good for you. Being immortal doesn't mean that you can live without eating or sleeping. I miss you and I'm already looking forward to seeing you at Christmas.

With love,
Isabella Rosier

P.S: I ran into Dumbledore when I was going to my dorm and I think he is finding me suspicious. He tried to read my mind during the feast and failed. However I'm certain he has no clue about my true identity.

The Slytherin folded up her letter, giving herself a mental note to go to the Owlery in the morning to send her letter before classes. She was just about to leave it on her bedside table before she paused. The black haired girl felt a pair of eyes on her, she looked up and realised that Clara was looking at her with curiosity brimming her eyes. Isabella decided not to risk anything and instead slipped it into her bag while muttering a disillusion charm so if someone decided to be nosy and look in her bag, they wouldn't find anything. She zipped her bag shut before closing the green curtains on her canopy and going to sleep, dreaming of peaceful night with her mother and father.

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