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This time the monsters aren't under the bed, there in her head.

Elizabeth's Pov.

It's funny to think that the stuff that makes up our dreams and what crafts our nightmares can come from the same moment. Still, the more miserable details of life seem to stick around longer than any dream. Fuck society.

Maybe it was because of the numb feeling that replaced any expected emotion because I knew from the moment I snuck out of the house that whatever was about to happen was going to stay with me longer than any of the bruises on my arms.

I was supposed to be sad, yet all I felt right now was Oliver's abnormally sweaty palms.

"Thank you for gathering here today..." The police chief began his spiel as a series of cameras went off. I glanced at Ollie, his hair was covering most of his face, particularly the more recent scar. I couldn't blame him, it was a nasty slash; just below his eye and next to his nose across his cheekbone.

I snapped out of my daze as one of the numerous local reporters started asking about us, "We currently have the twins and their brother in our custody, they will be moved into a foster home until we are able to find relatives"

"Relatives?" Ollie muttered as it started to rain, an amusing, to say the least, inclusion of the day.

"Yeah, apparently these kids were living in isolation with their crazy ass mother, I always knew Nikki was off" A middle aged man scoffed. Well he just knows it all.

"Right" I pressed my lips into a line and squeezed Ollie's hand, we shouldn't have even bothered coming here.

He glanced at me and sighed. We started to make our way through the better part of the town, most of which were self entitled brats. It only took a minute to reach the parking lot and slide into his car.

"How much of that do you think those fucks actually believe?" Ollie grumbled and put the car into reverse.

"Do you want me to answer?" I sighed looking at him. I already knew his answer, just like he knew mine without exchanging a word. I pulled my legs to my chest and hummed to the radio as we started driving back to our house.


We didn't talk for the entire car ride and it was probably better that way. There was no one else I would've rather sat in silence with anyway. As we pulled down the cobblestone drive I broke the silence,

"What're we gonna tell Frank" He smirked,

"What do you think he'd say if we said we went to a..." He paused for a second making eye contact with me. His eyes sparkled with the familiar, 'i wanna fuck this dude up'.

"Strip club!" I exclaimed at the same time as him. There was nothing Frank hated more than 'inappropriate clothing' and 'uncivilized behavior' which was a loose definition of a strip club.

"I mean, as long as I was the one who got to pole dance" I snickered,

"Hey as long as I got laid at some point, I think I wouldn't have even stopped you" I wrinkled my nose and slapped his arm,

"Really Oliver, the first thought is 'getting laid'?" I mocked his cocky tone.

"You were thinking it too" I rolled my eyes as he put the car into the garage, spotting Frank immediately. He was leaning against my jeep looking so smug.

"How long ago do you think he found out we weren't here?" I chuckled.

"Bet you less than an hour ago" I snorted,

"I'd say thirty minutes ago" I challenged.

"Really?" He raised an eyebrow. I shrugged and swung the door open.

"Where have you two been?" He called out.

"The strip club" Ollie called out. Frank's face dropped almost comically. I couldn't help but to laugh.

"Yeah.. I only did one show so don't worry." I paused, watching his eyes widen even more if that was even possible. "I'm just a bit tired from all the dancing and need a rest so we're going to my room" I could feel Ollie's smirk as we walked right past him and into the house.

"Do you think he actually believed that?" I slipped my shoe off as Ollie slammed the door.

"Nah, he's not that-"

"Believe what?" I froze. No. My limbs weren't responding. I need to. I- I. My eyes ran over the coat room, searching for him in every corner. I can't find him.

I couldn't breathe. I could feel my heart beat at the base of my skull and my lungs, they were burning. I need to breathe. I slowly let out my breath and looked at Ollie. He just looked back at me, frozen in place. Slowly inhaling, I recognized his cologne immediately.

"What, you thought you got rid of me, right? My, my children" He began laughing, "I always knew you had creative imaginations" 

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