Gone gone

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Percy's pov.

I stared at the police officer sitting on my coach
"W...what?" I asked my voice broke and I held my breath

"Your mother was seen being forced into a van along with your stepfather" he said again

I leaned forward and put my elbows on my knees and ran my hands through my hair

"Is she... dead... where is she" I asked and the man shifted
"We don't know we're looking for her but we need you to go with your uncle"
I glared at him and he flinched

'Gone gone baby it's all gone'

"I don't have a uncle" I snapped he pulled out his phone
"According to the state you do"

'There's no one in the water and there's no one at home'

He showed me a picture of my mom and another man

'It's was cool cool it was just all cool'

My mom looked happy

'Now it's over for me and its over for you'

"Who is my... uncle" I asked an stood up "tony stark" he answered

I stumbled back and fell to the floor the police officer knelt next to me and tried to speak I couldn't hear him my vision started to fade and I gasped for air , suddenly I was pulled into darkness an I passed out

(I've really had a music mind lately)

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