Start from the beginning

"Yeah. Yeah, I know. Okay. We'll take her with us." Topper assures.


When Cordelia wakes up she realizes she's on a boat.

"What the--" She starts.

"Delia." Sarah sighs in relief. She quickly reaches over and pulls the younger girl into a hug.

"Oh. Hi." Cordelia hugs her back. She looks around and finds Topper driving the boat. "Uh... that's new."

Sarah pulls back and inspects the Band-Aid they put on Cordelia's head and sees it's still intact.

"Are you okay?" Sarah asks.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine. Are-Are you? You... you went through a lot more than I did." Cordelia says.

"I'll be okay." Sarah tries to assure, though her voice is shaky.

"Okay... now am I delusional or... is Topper Thornton driving this boat? With me on it?" Cordelia whispers.

"I wouldn't just leave you there." Sarah says.

"Thanks." Cordelia manages a small smile. "I have a massive headache."

"You could have a concussion." Topper speaks up.

"Right. Yeah. Cool." Cordelia mutters, still weirded out about him helping her, even if it was on account of Sarah.


JJ, Kie, and Pope are in the shack at the chateau. Kie is sitting on a chair and playing random notes on the ukulele, JJ is waxing his surfboard, and Pope is fiddling around with random stuff.

"That's a lot of wax on your board, man. You put too much wax on there it's gonna be slippery." Pope tells the blonde.

"Are you telling me how to wax my board, Pope?" JJ asks.

"No, I was just saying that's a lot of wax, man." Pope says.

"no, no, no. You're telling me how to wax my board. Are you kidding me?" JJ asks.

"I'm just saying that's a colossal waste of wax." Pope says.

"Guys, really?" Kie asks.

JJ rolls his eyes and gnaws at his bottom lip. Maybe Pope is right, but the blonde is slightly distracted since he hasn't seen Cordelia since yesterday. Part of him expected for her and Sarah to be at the chateau when JJ, Kie, and Pope got back from having to help JJ in his failed plan.

But neither of them were there. He knows that she's probably just at the beach... or with Fletcher. But part of him always worries that she could be dead in a ditch or something. He's just good at hiding the worry.

JJ's broken out of his worries when he hears a car horn honking.

"Did you hear that?" JJ asks.

The honking gets closer and the three watch as the Twinkie quickly pulls in, John B behind the wheel.

"Are you serious?" Kie laughs in disbelief.

"Hold on. Hold on." JJ says. "Am I dreaming right now?"

"No!" Pope yells out of disbelief.

"Guess who's out of the clink, boy!" John B exclaims, getting out and practically skipping towards them.

"No freaking way, man!" Pope says.

The four exclaim in happiness, quickly pulling John B into a group hug.

"We missed you." Kie says.

"I missed you guys too." John B says as they break apart.

"How'd you do it? You bust out?" JJ asks.

"Uh, they dropped the charges." John B says.

"They dropped the charges." Pope repeats.

"Dude, that's phenomenal!" Kie grins.

"So you're telling me I did all that work for nothing?" JJ asks.

"Oh, the most elaborate escape plan of all time?" Pope asks.

"Oh, "foolproof."" Kie says, using air quotations.

"Yeah, it was, actually." JJ insists.

"Wait, where's Sarah?" John B asks. "No, no, no. Where... where is Sarah? Where... where's Delia?"

"They went to go meet Wheezie last night. They didn't come back." Kie says.

"Both of them?" John B asks. "And none of you seem worried?"

"I... chances are Sarah went back and Delia's just dealing with her heartbreak on the beach... or with her new boyfriend." JJ says, rolling his eyes at the last part.

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