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"Thanks again for letting us stay here." Lillian, although relived was still quite obviously upset that her situation had come to this. You see, her divorce from her ex husband was messy and intense; the asshole fucking her over in court and ending up with most of the money was just the icing on the cake. "I promise it won't be for long." Lillian assured her younger cousin, Marissa, before setting her bags down on the kitchen floor.

"Anything for you and Amy." Marissa opened her arms inviting Lillian in for a hug. After their embrace, the two women began walking outside in order to help Lillian's teenage daugter Amy with the remaider of her bags. She took after Marissa in the sense of packing a kitchen sink constantly. "Hi sweetheart!"

"Hi Marissa." Lillian sighed as she observed the horrible mental effects this whole situation was having on Amy. Usually, the teenager was happy and go lucky, but unsuprisingly, the divorce of her parents has put her in a permanant state of agsnt.

"Don't worry, Amy. We're gonna have tons of fun." Marissa flashed a smile, but Amy didn't recipracate. She sighed heavily, swinging one bag over her arm and dragging another suitcase behind her. Marissa and Lillian carried the rest of Amy's items into the house. "How about I show you where you're going to be staying Amy? I think you'll like it."

"Alright." Amy replied grumpily, following sluggishly behind Marissa until they made their way into one of the bedrooms. Amy had to admit, she did really like it. It was painted bright pink, and there was a makeup section in the corner; a Celebrity Skin poster hanging loosly behind the mirror. Most of that room was in fact full of posters depicting 90's grunge bands. Marissa still in fact always dressed in band shirts. Most of the things Amy was falling in love with were Marissa's when she was a child and teen, including the teddy bears and the dolls. "Wait, this is actully cool!"

"Don't act so suprised." Marissa chuckled. "Well, I'll let you get settled in. All the drawers are empty for your clothles." Marissa put a hand on Amy's shoulder before exiting the bedroom.

Lillian was sat on the living room couch with her arms crossed. Marissa sighed before sitting next to her. "It's gonna be okay Lillian. Things are gonna work out."

"I know." She acknowledged. "I guess I'm just in a funk."

"Well that's understandable." Marissa told her. "You've been through alot. But you can handle it. You're strong."

Lillian shrugged before shaking her head slightly. "I've been trying to find a job.. but nobody's hiring and I don't have the money to fly back home."

"Just take a few deep breaths, alright? Try not to stress too much. We'll just relax and get settled in tonight, alright?"

"Okay." Lillian agreed. "So.. how have you been lately?"

"I'm actully.. pretty good. Yeah I'm a secretary at the Vet Office on the corner of Almomd street. After I quit the zoo I saw they were hiring and I went for it." After Marissa finished her sentance, her cell phone was heard ringing from the kitchen. "One sec." Marissa walked over to the kitchen and picked her phone up off the table, displaying a number she didn't reconize. "Hello? Who's this?"

"Oh thank god you picked up." Right then and there, she almost dropped her phone from shock. Her fist clenched subconciously at the sound of his voice. "It's me Joe.. listen I need your hel--"

Marissa cut him off instantly. "Joe, we haven't talked in almost a year. And I made it perfectly clear to you that I want nothing to do with you the last time we talked. So what could you possibly want right now Joe?"

"I'm in jail, Marissa. They're acussing me of all this bullshit that I didn't do! Please, I need you right now. I need your help."

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