Donald frowned,"Nope! Forget it! Let your imps do it!"

"Those to fools couldn't handle him after he was done with the final request I tasked him to do", Hades retorted as he gave the imps a look of cruelty.

Hades looks back at Donald, "I need someone who can... handle him as a man", he clarified.

Donald rolled his eyes in annoyance, "Forget it! I won't do it!" Donald turned and crossed his arms. Hades sucked his teeth in disappointment.

"Ooooh! Funny you should say that", Hades joked as his head was over Donald's shoulder,"Because last time I remembered you'd agreed to be my slave in order to save your family's sorry asses, since your dumbass Uncle Scrooge had the audacity to steal from me and my wife, Persephone.

              Donald turns his face towards the opposite direction from Hades. Showing no other reaction to Hades’ monologue. Hades let out an exasperated sigh and ran a hand down his face.

"I'll tell what, you give me Storkules' weakness and I will give you something you always wanted", Donald turned to directly face the tall deity.

"Oh yeah, and what's that?" Donald asked in suspicion.

Hades smirked and whispered  in the duck's ear, "you're freedom", Donald's eyes widened and Hades allowed himself a wider smile of satisfaction as he watched the duck stood there stunned.

                  At the temple of Selene, Storkules tells him about his trials.

“You should’ve seen it Selene!” Storkules shouted, “That bull didn’t even stand a chance!” The statue of Selene boomed with laughter.

“Oh! You're doing so well Storkules!” She chuckled, “You’ve done wonderfully dear! I’m so proud of you!”

“Does that mean,” Storkules began haltingly, looking at the ground shyly, “Does that mean Storkules can join you all in Olympus now?”

“I’m afraid not ” The statue responded sadly, “You’ve accomplished so much, but you haven’t yet proved yourself to be a true hero,” Selene explained.

“How do Storkules prove myself then?!” Storkules shouted back, his frustration boiling over, “I’ve beaten every single monster that I’ve faced, I’m a hero to all of Thebes, I’m even an action figure!” Storkules takes one of thefigures out and gives it a squeeze.

“Being famous doesn’t make you a true hero,” She said sternly, “It's something you have to discover for yourself and I promise you will prove yourself, just look inside your heart,” With that, the Selene statue sat back and became unmoving once more and the braziers extinguished. Storkules pounds his fists on the temple floor and cries out in frustration.

                    “At noon we’ve got the meeting with the cab driver,” Gus began, reviewing a schedule while circling the pedestal Storkules was standing on, “and then at two, we’re meeting your new image consultant, at half-past two, you’ve got to meet with those Amazons, and then at quarter to three, you’ve got to do your daily training.”

Storkules opened his mouth to respond, but was quickly scolded by the painter and resumed his position.

“Gus,” He said, trying to remain as motionless as possible, “What’s the point of all this?”

He exclaimed, finally breaking his pose. He throws the club and shield down. The painter angrily brushes all over the canvas, packed his things, and marched out of the room.

"“What’s the point?!” Gus exclaimed, “Do you want to rejoin Olympus or not? Just trust me on this lad.”

"Yes, but why does this stuff doesn't seem to be getting Storkules anywhere?" The muscular Stork whined.

Dorkules: Hercules AuWhere stories live. Discover now