CHAPTER 293 TO 296

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The third round of the competition was also based off a points system.

Therefore, even if You XiaoMo and the group of four won the round, they would still need to decide on the placements among them.

After everyone figured this out, they looked towards the five people gathered together on top of the competitive stage. Under these circumstances, most people would ‘become enemies’ right?

Feng ChiYun said, “The three of us contributed the least, so it doesn’t matter to us how you want to allocate the points out.”

His two comrades who heard this also nodded. They would not have any objections even if You XiaoMo and Tong YueXu took the places which were worth four and five points.

Tong YueXu looked at You XiaoMo. It also did not matter to him.

You XiaoMo grinned, “Since you’re all going to listen to me, then I’ll start to allocate the points out. I’ve thought of two options, you guys can see which one you like and use that option.”

All who were looking at You XiaoMo’s expression of excitement had no clue about what he was up to, and could not help but look at each other in dismay.

You XiaoMo said, “The first option is: Five points for Feng ChiYun, four points for Tong YueXu, two points for me, and the remaining four points and one point will be given to Feng ChiYun’s two friends. In this way, one of them will be able to enter the top ten. The second option is: Five points for Tong YueXu, four points for Feng ChiYun, three points for me, but Feng ChiYun’s friends would not be able to enter into the top ten.”

As the two’s scores in the first two rounds were not high, they would not be able to enter into the top ten with just an addition of one or two points.

Tong YueXu realized what You XiaoMo was up to after he finished speaking, and did not to know whether to laugh or cry.

No matter which of the two options were taken up, it would result in Chai Zheng and Qing Qiu being squeezed out of the top three. You XiaoMo’s plan made it clear that he did not intend to let the two enter into the top three.

To think You XiaoMo actually bothered to think out such a plan, however… …to be frank, he quite liked this.

Tong YueXu smiled gently, “Any option is fine with me, and I have no objections.”

Feng ChiYun and his two friends were struck with shock and disbelief by You XiaoMo’s words. What in the world is his head made out of?

No matter which method was used, the ones who would benefit from this would be them. Moreover, if Chai Zheng and Qing Qiu knew about this plan, they would probably be able to vomit blood.

Feng ChiYun had also guessed You XiaoMo’s intention, but he still hesitated, “In this case, the ones who benefit the most from this would clearly be us, right?’

You XiaoMo said, “I feel this way is very good ah. You guys just pick one bei. I suggest that you guys choose the first option, because this will allow one of your two friends will be able to enter into the top ten.”

bei: modal particle indicating indicating lack of enthusiasm or that things should only or can only be done a certain way.

Feng ChiYun looked at his two friends. Both of them were his bros, and it was hard to choose.

The two men who were as close as brothers looked at each other and one of then stepped up to say, “We are thinking of taking up the second option as we are currently not strong enough. If we tried to get into Ward A now, not only can we not keep up, it would also be slightly unfair to the other participants.”

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