Part 15 date by fire (part 2)

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back at the table kotori was walking back when she noticed that it was just you sitting there tohka and yoshino were gone

Kotori: F/n?

F/n: oh hey what's up (you look at her with a smile)

Kotori: where are the other two?

F/n: hey i was thinking, let's change back into our normal clothes nd go to the amusement park area (you stand up) just the 2 of us

Kotori: oh, you muste've been instructed my fraxinus are we moving to the amusement park area because this isn't going too well? well, it's not like i mind

F/n: actually no (you take your ear piece out) i'm going off script like i always have (you chuck a ear piece across the water park)

Kotori: F/n!

F/n: what? it's not like i ever used that thing anyway plus you can just get another one with your budget you can get anything, plus i'm a amusement park guy anyway

Kotori: btu what about-

F/n: don't worry about the others kotori they're on the jungle cruise thing and tohka can keep an eye on yoshino (you grab her hand) let's go have fun just me and you (you smile)

Kotori: ah (blushes a bit)

F/n: now come let's get this date started

you then pull her away from the table

Kotori: hey wait stop what are you?

in a secret AST base

origami was watching a video of the fight between ifreit and kurumi as some type of suit was behind her

origami: kotori itsuka (has a murderous look in her eyes)

back with you and kotori

after the both of you got dressed (in separate changing rooms) you had dragged her to a ride that was the big drop and you had a hugr smile as kotori looked terrified and she looked at you and you just smiled a wider smile as the ride stopped up high then shot down



after a few minutes the 2 of you got off the ride with you laiughing as kotori was freake dout

F/n: now what was fun let's go again


F/n: aw come on live a little kotori, were here to have fun

Kotori: not like this

F/n: ok ok fine i know anothwr ride that is very calm and peacful

Kotori: really?

2 minutes later

the 2 of you were now on a roller coaster as it reached the top

Kotori: (terrified) y-you tricked me

F/n: kotori you know you should never trust me with these things right (you smirk as the roller coaster goes down the track fast) WOOOOOOOHOOOOOO


back on the ship

shido had just joined the crew to observe what was happening and they were watching kotori explode on you with anger as you just waved her off still smirking

kannazuki: will he be alright?

reine: this may actually wotk better on kotori

shido: yeah to be honest i think F/n should have been wining it from the start

Date a live Tohka yatogami x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now