KOTLC Background

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This is not officially the actual background of kotlc, I tweaked it to fit my storyline but if you have never read kotlc, then read this background and my story will make sense, but it is not the same as the actual book series so read that if you want.

Sophie Foster is an elf who was originally from the Forbidden Cities, or as we know it, the human cities. Sophie is from Venice, Italy where she was raised by her 2 human parents and younger sister. She doesn't have any memories from before she was 9. During a field trip to a museum when she is 12, she meets Fitz Vacker, an elf. Fitz takes her to the Lost Cities where she is enrolled in an academy called Foxfire. Sophie is adopted by Edaline and Grady Ruewen, who have lost their previous daughter in a fire. Sophie is the only elf with brown eyes and she has multiple abilities when everybody else has one. Sophie is a Teleporter, Enhancer, Telepath, Polyglot, Inflictor. She only has telepath in the beginning. Sophie is a secret project called the Moonlark Project created by the Black Swan, a rebel group. Another rebel group, the Neverseen, is out to kill her in hopes of dominating the elven race. Sophie encounters them numerous times and most of the time remains undefeated. Her friends are Fitz Vacker, Biana Vacker, Keefe Sencen, Dex Dizznee, Linh Song, Tam Song. Keefe's mom is apart of the Neverseen along with Fitz and Biana's brother. Lady Gisela is Keefe's mom and Alvar Vacker is Fitz and Biana's brother.

I think that should be enough of a background for my book, but if you haven't read the series, please read it, it's so good.

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