Once he knew that the toddler was all set he made his way into the master bedroom.

He silently got ready for bed, trying his best not to disturb Grace, who was already asleep.

A few minutes later he was lifting the sheets to slide in besides her.

"I know she's not just business Thomas."

He heard her say, but her back was still facing him. He laid on his back looking up at the ceiling...maybe he shouldn't have listened to Bella and just stayed, He thought while closing his eyes.

"And what do you think she-" he began to say but was interrupted by Grace

"I saw the ring. Your ring was on her finger, Tommy."

He only sighed, and waiting for her to continued as she sat up and turned to face him. Her face was void of any emotion.
"And I'm willing to bet my life that you were with her last night."

Thomas moved his eyes over to her, "it's not what you think Grace. There was a situati-"

She raised her eyebrows at this "not what I think?! Well what I think is that you spent the night with that girl. You basically have given her your childhood home and trust her with more things than you trust me with..."

He really didn't have the energy to argue with her. So he raised his eyebrows and shook his head "what do you want me to tell you, Grace? She's apart of the business."

Scoffing she shook her head at him "I want you to stop seeing her. You're married to me. And if you want to keep me or Charlie here, you better find a way to keep her out of it." She exclaimed and laid back down with her back to him, showing that the conversation was over.

Tommy continued to stare at the ceiling, refusing to look In the direction of his wife.

He couldn't let Bella go, especially after the events of the last few days...and what she told him today. But he absolutely couldn't loose Charlie. And as his mother she would have a right to take him and leave, if she really wanted to.

Sighing, he got out of bed. His mind wouldn't relax now and he didn't want to be anywhere near Grace at the moment.

So he went back into Charlie's room, spending the night in the rocking chair in the corner of the room.


Morning came fast. And before he knew it he was entering Charlie's yard for the meeting.

He had to keep a level head.

He was about to face Father Hughes again and it would take everything in him to not kill him on the spot.

Deciding to push his conversation with Grace to the back of his mind for now. He would face that battle when the time came.

Feeling his shoes slightly sink in the mud, he turned the corner, only to see Father Hughes already sitting, Waiting for him.

Tommy felt his fingers twitch. So he pulled out a cigarette to try and calm himself, and to occupy his hands, as he went and sat down on the ledge a few feet away from him.

Tommy felt his eyes on him. But still he didn't look over, instead he placed one hand on his knee and his elbow on the other, trying to concentrate on anything else.

"Good morning, Mr. Shelby" Father Hughes spoke. He noticed how tense Tommy was and wanted to find out why.

Tommy didn't say anything. Only looked at him from the corner of his eye, and took another hit from his cigarette.

Too Late To Say Goodbye | Tommy Shelby {1}Where stories live. Discover now