Chapter 3

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For a while, no one said anything as they sat stiffly in front of William who was simply smiling as he leaned back comfortably in his seat.

"Where are the rest?" eventually asked Nicky.

Knowing how competitive the first Prince was, he would have risked missing a minor detail to beat them.

"Oh," he said in understanding. "do you mean your little friends?" he asked innocently with an edge of mockery.

At his words, their blood ran cold. It was the first Prince that killed his family back then, who knew what he did to him.

"It's funny how people who once killed each other can come together when they find a new target," he laughed. "don't worry, I didn't kill him, I simply played with him," he reassured at their expressions, but Nicky felt like that was worse.

"What did you do?" she asked carefully.

"Hm," hummed in thought. "well first I made him drink a poison that would slowly kill him then I watched him endure the pain," he replied happily horrifying her. "fun, right?"

"How is that fun!?" interrupted Philip.

He may not like the first Prince, but that didn't mean that he approved of such a thing either. Plus, the shock of it all was too much for him.

William tutted at his outburst. "Now, now, there's no need to be so upset," he soothed. "he's not dead yet."

Pursing her lips, Nicky continued. "What exactly is your goal?"

"My goal?" he asked innocently. "My goal is world peace."

"How is world peace kidnapping innocent people!?" asked Philip outraged.

"Kidnapping?" he asked surprised. "Oh no," he laughed. "I didn't force anyone to follow me they chose to. Like me they want peace, and if that means I have to become a demon to achieve that, then so be it. I will rule this world even if I have to burn it." he declared.

It was at that point that Nicky rose from her seat making him smile again.

"You know you can't beat me." he reminded tauntingly.

"I know, that's why we're leaving," she replied shocking her father who was sitting silently all this time and her brother who stood.

"Nicky what are you saying?" asked Philip baffled.

"Give me the antidote and we will back away," she said ignoring her brother.

"Hm," he considered. "it wouldn't be any fun then," he complained.

"The antidote." she insisted.

William sighed. "Fine." he relented standing.

As he approached, Nicky stiffened as he leaned forward to whisper to her.

"He needs to be transferred pure light energy for a week every month, otherwise he'll die within a month in the most painful way," he whispered. "also, the transfer has to be continuous, or he'll die," he added sounding pleased with himself.

Pulling away, William smiled brightly at her, but she noticed that his gaze was still unreadable and closed off. Just what did he not want her to see?

"Release them," she said blankly.

"Fine." he sighed snapping his fingers to make them appear in the room.

Seeing them knocked out and bruised, Nicky looked back at William with a frown.

"Don't worry, only the first Prince is poisoned, the rest were just in the way, but I didn't kill them," he reassured.

"Let's go." was all she said before she turned on her heel and left.

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