Eli Having No Sense Of Direction

Start from the beginning

You mentally facepalmed, "Seriously?! It only took about 4-5 hours to get to the mission!" You groaned, before bringing your fingers to your mouth and whistling for Yue.

Not long after, a familiar figure of Yue came flying down from the sky, landing right on Zenitsus head. Zenitsu began to whine, attempting to swat Yue off of his head, "Get off! You're digging your claws into my scalp! OW!!"

Yue then flew over to you, nuzzling your cheek with her beak, "Caw!! You're okay!! Caw!!" You cooed at your feathery companion, "Aww, were you worried about me?" Eli cleared his throat, "Enough lovey-dovey shit, just tell Ballet to lead us home!"

You raised a brow, "Who the fuck is Ballet??"

Eli spluttered, "It's your crow's name! ...Right?"

You furrowed your brows, "Wh- NO! Her name is Yue! Where the fuck did you get Ballet?!" Zenitsu pumped his fists into the air triumphantly, "I KNEW IT! BUT HUGH OVER HERE WAS TOO BUSY TRYING TO PROVE HE WAS RIGHT!! AHA!!"

You turned your head towards Yue, "Yue, can you lead us back to the Butterfly Estate? We're sorta lost.." Yue nodded her head, before flying in front of the three of you, "CAW!! FOLLOW YOURS TRULY!! CAAW!!"

After making your ways back to the Butterfly Estate for about another 7 hours, the three of you had finally reached it. The sun had started to set, painting the sky with a various array of soft palettes of colors.

Eli sighed in relief before dropping you off of his back, rolling his shoulders in the process, "Finally! My back is so fucking sore! (Y/N), I'm never carrying you on my back ever again!"

You rolled your eyes while nudging him playfully, "Oh, suck it up! You always brag about how strong you are, yet you can't carry me on your back? Poser!"

Hoshi, who was finally awake, scurried up your body, before settling herself on the top of your head. You reached a hand up, gently petting her on the head with your index finger.

Zenitsu practically skipped to the doors, "WE'RE BACK!! AHHH!! WE'RE BAAAACCKKK!! WE MADE IT BACK ALIIIIIVVVVVVEEEEE!!" He burst through the doors of the estate, before bumping into a figure, making him fall on hit butt.

He rubbed his aching butt, "HEY, WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM?! I JUST GOT BACK FROM A MISSION AND ALMOST DI- EEK! S-S-SHINOBU!!" He jumped onto his feet, bowing repeatedly, "SHINOBU!! AH! I'M SO SORRY! PLEASE FORGIVE MY CARELESSNESS!!"

Both you and Eli desperately tried to stifle your laughter at Zenitsus antics, watching as he sprinted inside. Shinobu looked back confusedly, "Oh my! Somebody is quite jittery.."

She turned back to the two of you, "I came to welcome the both of you back! How did the mission go?" You and Eli sent eachother side glances, before the both of you answered simultaneously.

"It uh.. went good..?"

"I die- I mean, it went pretty good!"

Shinobu blinked owlishly, "What did you say, Hugh?" Eli perked up, "Wha- Oh, I just said it went pretty good.." Shinobu nodded her head hesitantly, "Okay.. that's good!" She then turned her head towards you, "Did anything happen blood-wise?"

You fiddled with your fingers while sweatdropping, "Ah, hm.. not that I know of-"

Eli butt in, "She did some crazy shit! There were stars swirling around the three of us, then suddenly we were all healed! It was so fucking weird, but then she started bleeding from her eyes and ears.. then she forced me to carry her unconscious ass the whole way home!"

You forced a smile through gritted teeth, "..Y-Yeah.. I did..! Thanks for.. pointing that out.. Eli.."

Eli rolled his eyes, "Yeah, you better be thankful. I had to haul your ass for a full 14 hours!"

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