Chapter 22🩸

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A/N had to think long and hard on how im gonna kill theses 2 but I finally decided on it hope you enjoy

Warning ⚠️ this chapter contains murder,talk about murder, Fan death, electrocution ,cursing, death and  Snake killing 😫

Zenitsu's POV

After a while of thinking I came up with a plan to get rid of Mitsuri but getting rid of her won't be easy because every where she goes Obanai is always right behind her he walks her to her classes, leaves his own class early to make it to her room on time eats lunch with her waits for her outside of the bathroom and sits right next to her in every teacher meeting

So I know if I want to get rid of her I'm going to have to go through him first getting close to him isn't and option because that snake could easily attack me before I do anything or alert Obanai and then that will put me in jail for attempted murder and they'll find out about the other murders I've committed so I need to think smart about this

if I electrocute him when he doesn't expect it then.... Maybe I can kill him like that I smirked

The only time Obanai is alone is when he goes into the boys bathroom he usually goes at 12:00 no later no early because thats the only time when Mitsuri is with only girl students and Obanai knows that he can trust those 12 girls to protect Mitsuri if anything bad happens

It was 11:49 and I was in the bathroom filling up a big bucket of water when I finishedI I hid in an empty classroom with the water in my hand just waiting for Obanai to walk by

12:00 hit and here he his walking by with that ugly piece of shit serpent on his shoulder when he was finally in The bathroom I waited a little longer until walking into the bathroom I quietly walked to his stall and placed the water bucket on top of the door where he couldn't see it then I ran to the light switch and turned them off  running out of the bathroom

"Hey! is this some kind of prank!? well... who ever did it you have 3 seconds to turn back on the lights" when nobody answered Obanai opened the door and the bucket fell on him dumping all the water onto him the floor and the ugly shoulder pet

The snake fell to the floor "I'm gonna kill who ever fucking did this" Obanai walked over to the light switch and touched it but before he could turn it on  an electric shock went off and sparks went everywhere even the snake got electrocuted Obanai stood there for a second before falling to the floor I walked into the bathroom

And grabbed him by the feet and dragged him into the last bathroom stall that nobody goes to because they all think it's haunted so... perfect spot and now for the last person Mitsuri

I ran down to her room and wrote a note pretending to be Obanai

From Obanai
To Mitsuri

Dear Mitsuri Kanroji
Meet me at the roof top
Near the electric fan
At 1:56

i waited a little before going up to the roof and waiting behind a wall next to the fan for Mitsuri she was late but after a while at 2:13 she finally showed up "Obanai are you here?" I heard I waiting till she turned around to look and see if he was coming that's when I slowly crawled up to her and grabbed her by her hair "Hey what are you doing!" Mitsuri yells I put her hair into the electrical fan "Please help! Why are you doing this!?" I watch as her hair was slowly cut and how she tried to pull herself away then her head was getting cut off "AH NO PLEAEE HELP ME" she tried and tried to fight but it failed

Eventually her entire head was shredded off like cheese and that's when she stopped fighting

it took 2 days to figure out who she was because all that was left of her was shredded clothes and hair and a pool of blood Obanai's body was immediately found after school and they closed school for a month  and started an inspection but they later closed it with no evidence and clues

Or.... That's what they told the students and parents.....

A/N It killed me to have to kill Mitsuri SHES my favorite Demon slayer character 😭 but now we have 6 more people to off next death will be the 2'd to last double death hope you enjoyed

𝙈𝙮 𝘿𝙚𝙖𝙧 𝙎𝙬𝙚𝙚𝙩 𝙏𝙖𝙣𝙟𝙞𝙧𝙤~ (ZenTan)Where stories live. Discover now