"That might be an understatement," Hermione said, picking up her bookbag, nor did she look anyone in the eye as she headed to the library, which was her solace from many things. "Just my luck; Harry and Ron won't want to talk to me." When she got there, she saw the computers and decided to head over, whereas most of those who came and signed in with Pince avoided.

"You're into those things?" Lavender wrinkled her nose.

"Of course. She's a Muggleborn," Parkinson said, sneering at her.

"You say that as if a Pureblood wouldn't know how to use a computer," one of the other girls said, though Hermione only recognized Parkinson and Bulstrode.

"Shut up and stop defending her Greengrass," Parkinson snapped.

"I know, but..."

"Stop sniveling," Parkinson barked back.

"Quiet! Just to let you know, I can hand out detentions just as well as any of the Professors, but I won't hesitate to use that option since I can't kick you first years out as I usually would for making too much noise.

"The question is, why didn't she get a detention," Parkinson said with a snide tone, only for Pince to give her detention in response, which allowed Hermione to be at the computers. However, she noticed her eye that Dean Thomas was showing Seamus Finnigan how to set up the computer, yet it surprised her to see Blaise Zabini at the computers.

"What?" Zabini said, noticing her staring.

"I'm just surprised, given what Parkinson said," Hermione said. "That's all."

Dean and Seamus looked up at this conversation. Zabini sneered. "Well, you thought wrong."

And that was the end of the conversation. Still, it should have given her pause to think of the possibility even before she found out—that Seeker-of the Future was a Slytherin, yet just as her icon picture was surrounded by red, his was surrounded by green. Then, she stared for a bit, "Crabbe and Goyle are too stupid. Which leaves Zabini, who didn't act like he's the one, though he might be saving face, or it could be Nott, though that's not much better, or it could be..."

A message appeared. "You did that on purpose. You knew it would do that, Granger."

"I didn't know Professor Black would have a complete meltdown. I thought he would react," Hermione typed out as she remembered Draco was a seeker. "Are you Malfoy?"

"And what if I am?" The words stung, but she hated trusting an enemy. "Why did you bring up Inferi? It wasn't because it was the first thing you read because we both know it's been seven years since you read your DADA book, although that was never your strong point."

"It had to do with how he died in the world we're from," Hermione wrote.

"Bloody Merlin, Granger."

"I'm sorry."

"Not the person you need to apologize to."

"I know. I can't..." Hermione erased the "I can't." And instead wrote. "I almost forgot I can send an apology via Owl Mail on the computer, though I'll still apologize personally the first chance I get." She hoped that would get Draco off her case, but then...

When she returned from sending the relatively short apology without using the word Inferi, she found another message. "Look. I'm still upset with you, but given your reason, I do know there wasn't any ill intent on your part."

To which she didn't respond. She didn't know how to react to Draco being polite.

"Can I ask something," came another post from him.


"Regarding how he died, did it have anything to do with destroying those objects that were keeping the Dark Lord alive?"

"You don't know what they're called?" Hermione asked.

"No. I've never come across that in father's library, though there may be something in one of the Black family libraries, though I never really got to look at them."

"They're called a Horcrux. And yes. In our world, he did die so that one of the Horcrux would be destroyed."

"I wish I could tell my mother. I mean my mother from the other world. Uncle Regulus' death never set well for her."

"I'm surprised you know how to use a computer," Hermione wrote.

"I don't. Following the instructions in the letter was rather easy, but it's going to be a problem."

"Why? Because it's a Muggle thing?"

"No. Because apparently, I do know how to use computers in this world. Which makes sense given the Prewett's are cousins of the Black family through Aunt Lucrittia—also a cousin, and apparently, Uncle Regulus is majorly into this computer thing."

"Do you think computers are the reason Regulus Black is alive?" Hermione asked.

Draco didn't respond right away but then dropped an unexpected bombshell. "It's why they're all alive. My Uncle Regulus and the Prewett brothers. And somehow, that led to Harry Potter's parents being alive. Now, if you don't mind, I'm still trying to figure out how to use a computer, so I don't stand out during Computer and Muggle Studies, which we happen to share."

Hermione frowned, wondering if that meant they wouldn't be attending Potions together.

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