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He felt giddy, almost as if intoxicated—intoxicated from that day's excitement. Regulus stepped away from the Floo at Grimmauld place, knowing his face was slightly flushed from the heat, not caring that he stumbled slightly as he took his first step, instead of focusing on readjusting Crookshanks in his arm before he turned, stepping farther away, this time with the graceful movement expected of a member of the house of Black, making room for Sirius to step through the Floo.

He was laughing, smiling—

"You're late."

The smile on Regulus' face faltered, his head turning as Sirius stepped from the fireplace with far more grace than he managed, deftly brushing away any traces of ash. "What are you doing here?"

"What do you mean, what am I doing here?" Walburga Black said firmly from where she sat on the couch, her hands held in her lap as she sat up straight, glaring at Sirius. "You're late. And what is Regulus doing stumbling around as if he's drunk? You didn't let him imbibe alcohol, did you?"

"I didn't imbibe at the Potters," Regulus said, not paying attention to the way Sirius' eyes widened, his jaw-dropping.

Walburga's eye twitched. "You were at the Potters?"

"I made a cake with Lily and Harry," Regulus said, still holding onto Crookshanks, suddenly realizing Sirius was giving him that look which indicated he should shut up. He pulled Crookshanks slightly closer, his lips pushing together. Crookshanks glared at Walburga, giving her the best dirty look he could.

She, in turn, glared at Sirius, snapping. "How much sugar did you let him have?"

Regulus looked at the ground, the feeling of frustration creeping in. "I'm not a little kid."

"What?" Sirius stared, then reacted. "He's not a little kid, you know!"

"Bloody hell. Don't let them get into one of their yelling matches. I missed Sirius, but not that."

"And what's with you being late?" Walburga glared at Sirius.

"Late for what?" Sirius snapped. "You..."

"Late for dinner with the family," she said coldly. Regulus flinched.

"What family dinner? This is the first I've heard of that!" Sirius snapped. "We talked about you springing..."

"For Regulus' birthday. It's tradition," Walburga said.

"It's my birthday," Regulus muttered, even though he knew she wouldn't hear him. "Not that she ever listens to what I want."

"Screw tradition."

Regulus let his eyes narrow, his mouth opening slightly as he looked at his older brother. "Oh yeah, that's going to help."

"Of course, you'd say something like that!"

"And of course, you wouldn't ask Regulus what he wanted to do with his birthday?" Sirius snapped.

"As if you're much better, dragging him off to the Potters for his birthday. Did you even ask him?"

"The Potters invited me," Regulus muttered, looking away. "Someone outside of the family invited me to do something with them."

"Not the same thing," Sirius snapped.

"It most definitely is," Walburga snapped back. "And letting him imbibe sugar before the family dinner? Are you..."

"He's not a little kid anymore!"

Regulus turned and headed for one of the couches and set down his fluffy companion. "Here, Crookshanks. Shed all over the furniture to your heart's content."

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