Not so Good

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She regretted bringing up Inferi the moment the creature slipped from her tongue.

The moment she mentioned Infiri, Regulus stiffened, his eyes widening in horror, which confirmed for Hermione that he had indeed been to the cave; that part hadn't changed, yet seeing the look of fear there—she couldn't help but feel bad. His mouth hung open while some of the others stared.

Ron whispered. "Why would you bring that one up?"

She needed to come up with a reason, only for her mouth to hang open, unable to come up with a logical reason to bring up Inferi of all things, while the entire class stared at her. "It's in the book we got, so that's not the problem." She said, "I randomly opened my book, and there it was."

"Teacher's pet," Parkinson said, smirking at her. "But it seems it backfired, didn't it."

To which Hermione turned her head to look at Regulus. "Professor?"

He was shaking but looking at her as Parkinson said, "Well, aren't you going to take points away from her, Professor?"

Hermione stared, struck by that sudden disappointment as she looked right into his gray eyes. "Why? I don't like him. I mean, he's not a bad sort, so is it more of guilt from making him have a complete and utter meltdown? It's like..."

"Professor," Draco stood up, but Hermione could tell he was angry looking at him.

"See. Even Malfoy thinks..."

"Shut up, Parkinson!" Draco snapped. "Uncle Regulus, snap out of it!"

"I think someone should get another professor," someone muttered while Hermione looked at the desk.

"Of course, he'd be mad. His mother was a Black, so it shouldn't be surprising he'd call his mother's first cousin uncle, but I wouldn't be surprised if Regulus Black were his godfather in this timeline." Hermione looked at the desk, frozen, the whispers—

"What's going on? Professor Black? Whatever is the matter?"

"Granger mentioned Inferi. And then this happened," someone said.

"Inferi of all things?" Professor McGonagall sighed, stepping forward and taking Regulus by his arm. "I don't know why that creature, of all of them you teach about, would put you this out of sorts." She then looked up at the students. "Well, while I take Professor Black to the infirmary, I suggest you first years make yourselves familiar with the school library." Which, of course, brought on groans from Harry and Ron. "And I'll have a perfect stop by and ask Pince, the school librarian, to take attendance, so no sneaking off."

"Thanks a lot, Hermione," Ron muttered. "I mean, the library."

"Wait. Professor," Draco stepped over, his ordinarily pale features paler than usual. He opened his mouth to ask if he could go with him but froze, looking at the ground.

McGonagall turned, frowning. "Mr. Malfoy?"

"You know my mother's a Black, right?"

"He'll be fine, Mr. Malfoy, but I'm sure you are already aware of how he can be at times."

"Be at times?" Hermione turned, frowning.

"I'd heard rumors," Parkinson whispered. "And yet he's the head of our house."

"Shut up, Parkinson!" Draco snapped, turning to glare at her.

"Oh, how the mighty house of Black has..."

"Enough. Fifty points from Slytherin, Mrs. Parkinson, but I suggest finding a way to make it up to your house and your head. Contrary to what you see, Professor Black is quite competent and intelligent. He's..." She frowned. "Some were affected by the war more than others."

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