Chapter 1

181 17 32

Third person POV

Siren noises.

That's all that could be heard in Seoul National University and College, along people's frightened screams.

Hwang y/n, a student from the medical department has been found unconscious and showered in blood, inside the laboratory. Her body being cold and pale, all colours drained.

She was practically dead, almost no sign of life left in her, but it was not a normal death, no. She had been murdered, brutally.

But who could possibly murder her? She didn't have any kind of enemies, or atleast none that anybody knows of.

People were shocked by her death because there was nobody that could have possibly murdered her, after all she had a sweet personality accompanied with no bad behaviour records. She'd always help people whenever they struggled. And why would someone even attempt murders, no matter who has what kind of personality.

The ambulance had arrived, its red and blue lights flashing and sirens wailing as if it was drowning

Paramedics dressed in green dashed out of the ambulance with their stretchers

Y/n had two best friends,  Ahn Yujin and Shin Ryujin, they all studied in the same department, who were now crying and watching her get carried into the ambulance. They were very close with each other, friends since kindergarten.

A loud voice was heard through the speakers, "Everyone, please immediately exit the buildings."

Everyone was evacuating the university buildings, so that the evidence, if any, isn't hidden, and nobody else will be harmed.

Among the people, nobody seemed like they were Y/n's murderer, they'd surely have atleast a little bit of blood smothered around them.

It could be that Y/n did a suicide, but why would that be? There wasn't any traits in her hinting that she was suicidal, but then again- you never know.

The crime scene was blocked with tapes stating "CRIME SCENE • DO NOT ENTER."

Some students fainted after seeing Y/n's blood drenched body. Many were crying out of shock. There were whispers and gossips too.

"Why would some do such a horrible thing?"

"I wonder who did this to her, I genuinely hope they suffer."

"I can't believe this is happening, she was so helpful and kind. I managed to get good grades just because she helped me in my project."

Everyone felt bad for her.

Approximately 25 policemen and women were there, investigating the crime scene, it was a big and serious matter as other people could be harmed too.

"Do you have any guesses of who could have done this to Y/n?" Asked one of the police officers.

"No, we dont know of anybody that could've done this to her", answered her homeroom teacher Ms. Choi.

"Could you show me the CCTV footage, about one hour before she was found?" Asked a police officer.

"Yes ofcourse, follow me" answered Ms. Choi.

They pushed through the crowd to reach the surveillance room, where all the 100 security cameras could be accessed.

But unknown to anyone, there was that one person standing there among the others, a proud smirk on their face as if they had just accomplished something planned for a long time.





Ok but

Why does this chapter look so short I-

Also, is the book cover nice?

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