Sweet Sixteen

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Katsuki knew he was somewhat liked, somewhat popular.

Even though he always found himself to be alone.

Alone not lonely.

Today is his sixteen birthday.

How exciting.

But it looks as though everyone has forgotten.

Katsuki figured it wasn't a mean thing just simply letting it pass their minds.

6:00 in the afternoon that when he went out the door, 12:56 is when he came back.

He decides the best option would be to take a train, he didn't know where.

The train ride was smooth and steady copper light filled the train windows.

He got off at a stop, he would find out where.

He got off somewhere with bright lights.

Green, yellows, pink and blue.

Blinking, shining, sparkling.

It would hurt your eyes if you looked at it for too long.

Katuski wants to see what he could do.

The noise was loud, people moving past him at a quick past.

He walked too.

He likes the bright colours of the restaurants, arcades and cafes.

Katsuki likes the loud noise.

Katsuki likes the colours.

He would see where the glowing colours would take him.

Not far apparently, the sparkling hues ended quite shortly but that's alright.

The copper light was slowly changing into a dark blue.

He could almost see the stars up ahead.

He didn't want this day to end, not yet.

He always heard people talk about plans for their sweet sixteens.

That there was fun, a milestone in life.

Katsuki knew that people usually spent this day with their friends.

Maybe he wanted that too.

But he wasn't gonna let the setting sun end his fun.

Katsuki liked the grass that stood so tall next to him.

Katsuki liked the fireflies that lit up the sky around.

They lit up with every step he took.

Katsuki knew his birthday was almost over.

But this was nice.

Happy birthday to him.


Happy birthday Bakugou!

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