Some promises get broken, others are kept forever (part 3) ~ Charles Leclerc

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"Are you sure you want to do this?" I looked at Max with a glinstering of happiness in my eyes. "Yeah, I'm sure. Charles is one of my closest friends. I've already have 3 world titles on my name. Charles might not have another chance to win it." I smiled. "You're a good friend, Max." I hugged him tight. "I know, it's why you chose me as your best friend remember?" I chuckled at his statement. There was one more thing I had to try. Charles was so bored in the hospital room by now. He wanted to see the race more then anything.

I walked outside where I met with the doctor. "We still haven't found a new heart, matching his blood type. We are trying everything." I nodded as she started walking away. "Hey doc?" She turned around. "Do you think it's a possibility to bring him to that race? Not to race ofcourse, but he wants to be there. I'll take a doctor with me, I'll promise to be safe." She nodded as I squealed getting the tickets out of my bag. I bought them just in case. I walked into the room as he turned his head towards me.

"Hey cutie. I brought you a present." He smiled up at me. "You know you don't have to buy me a present every time you come visit right?" I laughed kissing his head. "I think you're really going to like this one. Close your eyes." He did as I said and held out his hand. I put the tickets into his hand as he opened his eyes. He stared at the tickets as his eyes widened. "C-can I even go?" He looked up with teary eyes. "I got a set of rules we have to follow, but yeah. We can go." He pulled me down into the bed with him as he hugged me.

"Thank you. Thank you so much. I love you." My heart fluttered as his eyes widened at what he just said. "Hey. I love you too." I kissed him softly, feeling him relax. We laid there and eventually fell asleep.

Charles Pov
I watched her sleep peacefully in my arms. How did I get so lucky? Soon I found myself sitting in a wheelchair on my way to the track. There were 2 doctors coming with us, for safety reasons. I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked pale. I teared up a bit, but she reassuringly took my hand. There was a tube in my nose. We made our way to the Ferrari garage. All the team members were waiting there for me. Mattia stepped forward. "We are so glad you're here. Even though you might not be racing today, we are all so proud of you. You are our champion. There are a few interviewers who'd like to talk to you, but only if you're up for it." I smiled at him.

I looked up at my girlfriend and gave her a nod. We made our way to a tiny room. There were six, maybe seven, interviewers in the room. No one knew about my condition yet. She went in first and told them to not shout and no pictures. I rolled in with my wheelchair as I heard some people gasp. "Okay first of all, everyone of you get's to ask one question cause I'm insanely tired. Second photo's are allowed at the end." K smiled as the first interviewer asked his question and the camera's started rolling.

"Charles, can you tell us why you're so sick?" I nodded. "My heart is not doing so great. But they're looking for a donor and I'm not losing hope. I'll be back in the car in no time." The people laughed as the next question was asked.

"Who are the people you brought with you today?" I looked behind me. "Well these are two of my doctors, they're here if anything goes wrong with my heart. And the other girl is my girlfriend. When my heart started getting worse I kinda realized that my life could be over any second. I am very thankful for her and I really love her." The whole room was filled with 'aww's and 'that's so cute'. I chuckled as she softly squeezed my hand.

"Are there things you'd still like to do?" I sighed. "You make it sound like I'm dying. I mean I am, but I still have hope. When I get better, I'd first of all like to get back in the car. I would also love to go bungeejumping. I don't know why." I chuckled just as some of the interviewers.

"Do you miss racing?" I looked down. "Yeah. I really miss it. I hate that I lost my change at winning the championship. But respect to Max. He did so well. He definitly deserves it." I smiled as a tear rolled down my cheek.

"Is there anything else you'd like to say?" I smiled softly. "To all the fans out there, thank you for all the sweet messages. I am doing okay for now and I am so happy to be here today. I really hoped to get the title this year, but it's okay. I hope to just stay alive a little longer." I chuckled softly

With that the interview ended. We made our way to the garage as the race was about to start. Max was on pole. He was doing insanely well. In the last lap he started slowing down. Before he knew Carlos passed him. Then Lando passed him. He started falling behind. He came over the finish line in third place. I felt so bad for him. That's when it got through to me. He ended in third. That means... "congrats Champ." She whispered in my ear and I teared up. World champion. I slowly got out my wheelchair as people started hugging and congratulating me. After standing for about 10 minutes, Max came walking in.

He ran towards me, hugging me tightly. "Did you do it on purpose?" I whispered. I heard him chuckle. "You deserved the title more then anyone. And if you would've raced this race, you would've had the title as well." I hugged him even tighter. When I let go the pain was suddenly unbearable. "M-ax. I don't f-eel good." He picked me up, rushing me into the wheelchair. He looked up at the doctors. "Get him out of here, right now." They nodded and I felt my eyes close. "No! Stay awake! You stay with me you hear me?" I heard her voice trembling. I fought the urge for a while, but eventually it took over and I shut my eyes.

When I woke up I was back in the hospital bed. I looked down as there was a huge bandage on my heart. I was all alone and started panicking. I ringed the bell and a doctor came running in. "Good. You're awake." She had a smile on her face. "We found you a transplant, just in time. You're going to be okay." I teared up. She came walking in. "You kept your promise." She kissed me softly as I whispered.

"Well you know. Some promises get broken, others are kept forever."

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