Crashing, Hit a wall ~ Charles Leclerc

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Adrenaline was rushing trough my veins as I passed Vettel on the circuit. Currently running in 3rd place. In front of me were Carlos and Lando. I got closer to Carlos. As a corner came up I saw my chance. I tried getting past him through the outside. Next thing I know we collided. My car flipped over. I was flying and didn't know when I was going to land. The car hit the ground and I felt the car falling apart.

I closed my eyes, as I hit the barrier. I opened my eyes and there were flames around me. My radio stopped working. I was thinking of Charles, my best friend. I knew he was 3 spots behind me so he must have seen it happen. I closed my eyes again as my head was pounding due to the impact. I saw moments of me and Charles flash by. I should have told him. I feel 2 arms wrapping around my waist pulling me out of the car. I felt myself being dragged over the grind, to a place where I couldn't feel the heat anymore. My eyes fluttered open and I felt Charles cupping my cheeks.

"Hey! Don't you dare close your eyes! Stay with me. Please." My eyes kept shutting as I felt my body relaxing. "I love you." I croaked out. And then everything went black.

Charles Pov
I was currently running in P6 as I saw a car flipping over a few turns away from me. When I got to the turn I saw the Aston Martin car on fire. I immediately hit the brakes when I saw a piece of fabric with number 15 laying on the circuit. Fear took over as I jumped out of my car. I heard they haven't had a radio response over my own radio. Why wasn't she responding? I ran over to the flames and wrapped my arms around her body. I pulled her out of the car and onto the grind.

There was blood all over her face and a piece of fabric was stuck in the right side of her stomach. I kept yelling for her to stay awake, but I felt her body relax in my arms. She whispered a soft "I love you." And her eyes shut. I heard the hospital helicopter land next to me as tears were rolling down my cheeks. The ambulance crew ran over immediatly putting her on a branchard and carrying her to the helicopter. "Sir, I'm sorry you have to stay here." I completely lost it. Carlos arrived in his own car and held me back as I was screaming. "Let me come with! Please I can't lose her!"

Carlos turned me around hugging me as I was crying in his chest. "Come on, I'll drive." We stepped in his car and drove to the nearest hospital, where she was being brought to. I immediately ran in and started talking to the reception. "Where is she, I need to see her!" Carlos pulled me away. "Charles you need to calm down, she's strong." Tears in my eyes, full of regret I looked at him. "I didn't get to say it back."

*2 hours later
We were sitting in the waiting room as I heard the nurse call my name. "She's out of surgery, she made it but she lost a lot of blood. We don't know if there is any permanent damage, but we will check her out as soon as she wakes up. She's still asleep but she should wake up soon." I turned to Carlos who nodded. "Go." I ran to her room. I walked in and she looked completely wrecked. I sat down next to her, taking her hand.

Her face was full of cuts and bruises. Around her waist was a big bandage with blood coming through. Her ankle had a cast on it and she had burns on her wrists. I started crying putting my head against her hand. She has been my best friend forever, Carlos is the only one who knows how I really feel about her. Tears rolled over my cheeks as I still had my head down. "Why are you crying Charlie?" I heard her whisper softly. My head shot up, her eyes were slightly open.

"O my god! You're awake! I thought I'd lost you." I attacked her in a hug as she groaned in pain. Immediately I moved away. "Sorry. Don't ever scare me like that again." She was slightly smiling. "You don't get rid of me that easily. Besides how was I supposed to thank you if I was dead. How can I repay you for saving my life?" I still had my fingers interlaced with hers. "I may know something..." I turned a bright shade of red. "What is it?" She chuckled. "Right before you passed out, you said something to me... did you mean it?" I looked down somewhat scared for her answer.

She softly squeezed my hand. "Ofcourse I meant it, I'm in love with you. Have been for a while now. This crash made me realize that life can be over, before you know it. So I guess that's why I'm telling you now. And I get if you don't feel the same but-." I cut her off by placing my lips onto hers. "I love you too. Will you be mine?" I kissed her hand softly. "Of course I will be yours. I already was to be honest." She smiled softly at me.

"Took you guys long enough! You both told me privately, that you had feelings for each other! And I had to keep it a secret! But now y'all are gonna be freaking adorable and I don't know if that's any better. As long as you don't steal him from me we're good." We turned around looking at Carlos ranting in the doorway. Then we looked at each other and burst out in laughter.

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