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I sit on a plain, metal chair in a desolate cell. The chair is the only piece of furniture, sitting in the corner and nailed into the ground of the room. Thick, dark poles bar the opening showing the hallway where the smooth cement walls aren't blocking it. The barred door shows one other cell exactly like mine, and if I got close to the door I would see several much more open cells on either side of these two. A man in a sparsely decorated HYDRA uniform walks to the door.

"Follow me." He states, unlocking and opening my door and the one across from me. As soon as I step out of the cell, I am surrounded by agents that cuff my hands and point their guns at my head. The man next to me, my partner, the Winter Soldier, who has shoulder length dirty brown hair that is at least three inches shorter than mine, gets the same treatment. We glance towards each other, our sky blue eyes meeting in dread as we are marched towards a painfully familiar room.

The area has cement walls and two metal poles in the center.

"Each of you on one." the unfamiliar officer orders, and we do so, wrapping our arms around the poles. A soldier comes up to us and ties them at the top of that side, making the rest of our bodies nearly hang from that point. Another agent comes up and rips my shirts off, leaving my backs exposed, though I have a black sports bra on. I can see a familiar face in the doorway.

"The behavior you showed today was absolutely unacceptable. You will not kill any more of our men or there will be severe consequences." I let out a sharp burst of dry laughter, the sound ringing around the empty, silent room before it turns into a shrill scream as the metal-tipped whip is laid upon my bare back. I can feel the warm blood gushing out of my tender back, as the whip is swung upon my back again and again and again. My screams echo through the room, harmonizing with those of the friendly stranger next to me.

How'd you like it? I'm gonna put whoever's POV it is in the title.

-Pinecone Face

The Red AngelTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon