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In need of a cover? You have come to the right place!

I make simple, clean covers that look visually appealing.

A few rules


# Please fill out the form below,

# Please be nice and I will do my very best for you,

#Once you have placed your request, I will try and get it done as soon as possible for you,




In return for the cover, I ask that you please read at least one chapter of one of my stories, and vote and comment on at least one chapter.

The comment doesn't need to be a huge paragraph, just a simple observation. It could be about something you like about the characters, the writing style, etc.

I also ask that you acknowledge the cover maker in your book. Could be either a dedication or a simple thank you.





Sub Title (Optional):



Ideas you have already:

Any extra notes: 


• BOOK COVERS - OPEN •Where stories live. Discover now