Chapter Three

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I woke up in peace, having had the best sleep in a long time, a smile spread across my face I had the whole day ahead of me and nothing to do with it... yet. Then it hit me, washing the smile off my face as a frown and a long groan filled its place, it all came flooding back like a tidal wave over my mind. Now I just want to bury my face in my pillow and turn back time, to before yesterday, before everything, before the bubble and the fire-fingers and the realisation that normal is now a thing of the past for me. My mind was a calm lake, now it feels like the raging ocean or a tsunami hitting the coast. I'm cluttered, overwhelmed and hungry.

Heading down stairs into the open plan kitchen/lounge room I set about making myself some raisin toast, Christy was still asleep; she never cooks on weekends unless we have guests. The toast satisfied my hunger, and aspirin got rid of the migraine but I was still overwhelmed and something told me to get used to that feeling. I passed the hall mirror on my way back to my bedroom, a glass of water in one hand and a small pebble in the other. Sometimes when I see my morning self I think of myself as sexily dishevelled but this morning I look like I woke up on the wrong side of the barnyard. The bags under my eyes are screaming for attention, in competition with my hair which obviously doesn't know about the existence of gravity. Groaning again, I slug myself back up the stairs, placing the glass and pebble on my tallboy. First order of business, have a shower.

I felt all the tension leave my body as I stood there, relishing the burning water rushing over my skin. But it all comes back the moment I took a step out of the shower. The weight of it all gradually placing more pressure on my shoulders as I dressed for the day. But when my eyes meet with the items on my tallboy, my breath hitches as I realise that if I try this, I'm accepting that I will never be the same again. Taking a deep breath, I sit on the bed legs crossed over one another in a meditative position. I revise the process of the meditation in my head finally feeling an inch of confidence slip into my mind. I cleared it, ignoring everything around me until I was focusing on nothing but the pebble, I must be crazy for trying this but here we go. I picture the pebble being lifted off the ground by nothing, not even a gust of wind to aid it, just levitating above the dark wooden top of the tallboy. Opening one eye I take a look at the pebble, seeing that it hasn't moved an inch, I let out a frustrated humph. Nothing works for me when I want it to, my frustration builds at the small pebble. It moves an inch and I jump. I try to move it again with my mind but it doesn't move, it just stays there mocking me. I release a short burst of breath in frustration and it again moves slightly.

It clicks.

I begin to think of Leo, his annoying possie and tone of voice. I think of the fact that I have no idea what is going on with myself. I think of Ace and how he seems to think that every girl in the room swoons at the sight of him. I think of everything that annoys me and direct it at the rock, guiding the irritation to it with the raise of my hand. I concentrated on the rock, picturing its movements in my mind for one last moment.

Then it happened, it lifted into the air slightly but surely. I felt a surge of triumph course through me as a grin spread across my face in wonder. The rock wavered for a second but I was so overcome with success that it steadied, and slowly as I beckoned it closer with the simple gesture of my hand it floated towards me, off the tallboy and across the one and a half metre divide to my bed. Only to land softly in the palm of my hand. I giggled at the amazing feat I had just achieved and doubled over my lap to rest my head at my crossed ankles, the stone still clutched in my hand. I was drained but excitement coursed through my veins at the excitement of it all. Looking to the glass of water I already knew what was next.

Staring at it I willed my excitement to lift the glass off the woods surface and then to pool the water out of the glass and into a ball in the air. The water was harder to control, slipperier, my mind struggled to hold it in place as the droplets seemed to break ranks. All I can liken it too is the feeling of jelly slipping through your fingers to the ground, I quickly moved my hands to catch the ball and reform it, physicalizing my mind without touching the substance. It was a metre above the ground. It was forever getting closer to the floor yet still out of immediate reach. Each time the water slipped, I caught it... until it slipped further to the ground. One more time and it would land on the carpet, I won't let that happen. Reaching my hand out one last time to extend my supposed gift, my supposed control. The water wavered gathered to a ball... and froze. As soon as I had let my guard down, the ball froze and fell to the floor with a BANG!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2015 ⏰

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