Chapter 4

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Tuesday November 30th

Sunday night Declan called Juliet to ask her if she wanted to come over to his place to hang out today. Of course Juliet agreed, she wanted to hang out with him more, but she also wanted to see his family's house, see where he grew up, where he spent his time away from school, work, and with her, she was just curious about all things Declan. They had made the arrangement for dinner, he wanted to cook for her and overall they just wanted to be around each other. Declan told her he would pick her up at her place at about six thirty so at five o'clock Juliet decided she would start to get ready. 

She picked out one of her favorite leisure dresses, it was a fern green shirtwaist dress with small yellow flowers and matching yellow tie and cuffs. She pulled her wavy raven tresses up into a simple high ponytail then put on her mascara and lipstick, got her envelope handbag and made sure everything she might need was in it, then put on her deodorant and her "Evening In Paris" perfume. She looked at the clock and noticed she still had a good bit of time then decided to paint her nails a cherry red to match her most frequent lip shade, she let them dry completely then grabbed her bag to go. She walked out of her room and down the stairs to the closet by the door and got out her winter boots and coat, put them both on and then her scarf and gloves and she was all ready to go just in time for Declan to pull up the driveway. 

Declan walked up to her door to greet her, as he was getting ready to knock on it Juliet opened the door smiling widely at him and before he could even open his mouth to say hi she grabbed his hand and pulled him excitedly in the direction of his car. She stopped at the car and Declan opened her door for her and she got in and adjusted the radio as he walked around to his own side and got in, he pulled out of the driveway and headed in the direction of his own house taking the back roads just so they could be together a bit longer. 

At Declans he gave her a house tour starting with their sitting room where he did most of his homework in high school at the small coffee table, then moved on up the upstairs through the sitting room to where the bedrooms were, he showed her his parents room and then the guest room then finally showed her his room, he showed it more in depth than the others pointing out all his favorite things and his hobbies he works on in his free time and they just started talking about how he loved to sketch comics when she sat at his desk and noticed them laying out, she thought they were amazing and told him she could never draw anything that good and he shook his head and took the compliment.

Juliet looked at his clock and realized it's already 7:30, told Declan and they both remembered they were supposed to eat dinner so they headed down stairs and he showed her to the dinning room where he had the table set a bit romantically, he pulled out her chair for her then went to the kitchen next door to rewarm on the stove the food he had made right before picking her up. He put the hot food on the two plates he got while it was heating and came back into the dining room with them and put one in front of Juliet, he had a pitcher of water and poured a glass for her and then him, they started eating and he asked her what he thought, of course she absolutely loved it and Declan just said being able to make good food rand in his family since his grandparents had been cooks and his parents pastry chefs he got taught from a young age. They continued to eat their food talking in between bites, when they finished they both cleaned up and moved to the sitting room to relax and talk some more when Juliet realized how late it was at 10 pm and remembered she had work in the morning, which reminded Declan he had school and work as well so they grabbed their coats and he took her home.

After he pulled in her driveway he mentioned his best friend Lucian had asked if the beautiful lady that was with her when they first met was single, when she said yes he asked if she would agree to a double date, she did not know so she told him she would ask her tonight and call him in the morning at 6:00 am with the answer. And so they said their good nights and he kissed her on the cheek and got back in his car and waited for her to get inside before he left, she locked the door, took her coat and boots off then went upstairs and too Celia's room and asked her about the double date, Celia was actually excited that Lucian asked seeing how she kinda liked him also after talking about it for a few minutes she went to her own room, picked her outfit for the next day out, changed into her night clothes, got ready for bed, then went to sleep.

At exactly 5:55 the next day Juliet went downstairs to the phone to call Declan about the double date mentioned the night before. She took the phone off its hook, put it up to her ear with her left hand and started dialing Declans number on the rotary with her right. He picked up after the second ring, greeted her with a " good morning gorgeous" and asked her what Celia's answer was, after Juliet told him that she agreed to it they both started thinking about and throwing out ideas about what the four of them could do together and when worked best for all of them, after about a half an hour of debating and getting Celia and Lucian's opinions on it they decided to arrange it for for the next day, Thursday December first, and they were to go to dinner together at the Coney Island restaurant, go to the theater to see the opening night of The House of Frankenstein, then end the night with a walk with ice cream. They agreed the guys would pick them up in Declans car at 6:00 pm so they had enough time to eat before the movie at 7:45. They finalized the details and then Juliet said she had to hang up to finish getting ready for work. They all went about their day attending work and school respectively and ended the day anticipating the date the next day.  

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