Chapter 2

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The next morning Juliet woke up feeling quite refreshed, after thinking of Declan for a while she slept really well that night. She looked at her clock and saw that it was already 9:30 am but it did not matter because she remembered that it was now Saturday and she did not have to work, so she got out of bed and headed to the bathroom to brush her teeth and get dressed for the day. She decided against wearing makeup because she figured she most likely wouldn't be leaving the house anyway. She went downstairs to make herself breakfast and coffee, she found Celia at the kitchen counter already brewing a pot of coffee and making both of them egg less pancakes.

Good morning Celia, how did you sleep? Celia answered back saying she slept fantastically. Then Celia asked me how I slept so I told her I slept extremely well, then she proceeded to tease me saying I only slept well because I was dreaming about Declan. She was not exactly wrong, but I will not give her the satisfaction of knowing she was right. After she finished the first skillet of pancakes she handed them to me to spread some Oleo on them while we bantered about nothing and talked about what we should do today besides cleaning our rooms and helping Mrs Dooley with her chores. Then she reminded me that I told Declan I would call him today, it almost slipped my mind. We ate our breakfast and drank our coffee, then while we cleaned the kitchen I told her I would just call Declan after we did all our chores to get them out of the way.

A couple hours later we were both done cleaning before it was even lunch time so since Celia made me breakfast I made her lunch, just a box of Kraft mac and cheese but it was good enough for the two of us since our host family was visiting relatives in central Ohio. We ate and talked then cleaned up our bowls and then went to the living room to call Declan. I was the one calling him but Celia wanted to eavesdrop on our conversation to find out what goes on. I found the piece of paper Declan gave me his telephone number on and started working it into our rotary phone. I was worried he would be busy and not be able to pick up but to my surprise he picked up soon after I started the call. He spoke first, said hello, who is this? I answered back saying that this was Juliet, we met outside the Roxy last night, I told you I would be calling. He was quiet a few seconds then with a voice with an underlying tone of excitement said oh yes I have been waiting on your call, I am glad to hear from you. 

We started bantering and then slowly worked our way up to deep conversation, talking about everything like what brought me to Ohio and what he did for a living and was studying in school. Celia got tired of listening and went away to her room and left me alone, we just sat there talking for hours, I looked at the time and told Declan that it was almost dinner and I should go soon, he said wait, it's a Saturday night and I am not working, would it be possible to take you out after dinner, maybe a nice stroll around the city and take you to an ice cream parlor if that's Ok with you? I think about it for a minute then tell him yes I would love too, what time should i be ready, he then told me he would pick me up at 8:30, i gave him the address to pick me up at then told him I had to go and I would see him tonight and put the phone back on the hook and ran up stairs to tell Celia all about what is going on tonight. 

After Juliet and Celia finished dinner, Juliet quickly helped Celia clean up the kitchen, then ran upstairs to her room to get ready for her date with Declan. It is currently 7:30 so she has an hour to get ready, she starts by making sure she thinks her outfit is good enough and decides it is fine but she needs a sweater over top, she grabs a red one out of her closet to match the lipstick she plans on putting on later. After she puts the sweater on she decides to do her hair in rolled ponytail up do, now it's time for makeup, she did not put any on this morning because this date was unexpected, exciting, but completely last minute by her standards. She had her eyebrows shaped perfectly like Katherine Hepburn in The Philadelphia Story, but they really worked with Juliet's features as well, she combed them in shape then added some black mascara to her eye lashes, some light rouge to the apples of her cheeks, and finish it off with a bold red lipstick.

After that she deemed herself ready, she looked at the clock and it was already 8:15 so she decided to go downstairs, put her boots, gloves and coat on and just wait for Declan on the bench by the door. Peeking out of the window by the door she sees Declan pull up in his car, she sees him get out of his car and walk to the door, as she hears the first knock she gets up and walks to the door to open it, as soon as he sees her he immediately says hello gorgeous, she says you look handsome yourself as he takes her hand and kisses it, with her hand still in his he leads her out of the house and closes the door behind them, once at his car he opens the door for her and gestures her in, once she is in he closes her door, walks around to his own, gets settled in and they are off. 

Saturday morning Declan wakes up, he had slept very well after thinking about Juliet for a few hours, he checked the time and it was only 7:30 am, he remembered Juliet should be calling him sometime today but figured he could get a few hours of work done before then, so he got up, got breakfast and coffee, got dressed then went to his desk to study for his college classes. He got enough studying done and completed all the homework that was due for the next week, it was a lot but he has always been academically inclined, when he was finished he realized he was getting hungry so he made himself some lunch and got a cold coke out of his fridge and ate and drank them respectively. He finished eating and cleaned up after himself and started walking back up to his room when he heard the phone ringing in the living room. 

The line spoke up and the voice on the other end said she was Juliet, as soon as she said that his face lit up, she went on about who she was and explained where they met, he already knew all of this, it sounded like she thought she might be forgettable but he couldn't forget her if he tried, when she had finished he said oh yes, as if what she had just said was actually refreshing his memory, even though he could never forget her even if he wanted too, her image and her voice were already fixed inside his brain. They talked for hours about everything and nothing, how she loved to dance, how he loved to sketch comics when he wasn't working on science or in his fathers patisserie. Talked about where she worked and what brought her to Ohio, although she left it at just needing change. 

After a few hours passed they realized it was almost diner time and Juliet had to go, before she could Declan asked her if she wanted to go out tonight after dinner. Since it was Saturday and he did not have to work, he wanted to take her out for ice cream at his favorite shoppe he went to his whole life and a walk in his favorite area of the city, downtown. Juliet wanted to see him again so she agreed to go with him. Juliet hung up the phone to go eat dinner and Declan himself was getting rather hungry so he walked over to the garage apartment to ask Lucian if he wanted to go get some pizza, Lucian being a logical human being would never turn down pizza, so he happily obliged. Declan left Lucian alone to get ready while Declan himself went back to the main house to get dressed. 

Lucian and Declan got in Declan's car and drive to their favorite pizzeria and ordered their favorite pies, after they had finished stuffing themselves they payed and tipped the waiter and bounced, they drove back the the Monreau house so declan could drop his friend off before going to pick up Juliet, his friend talking about his date the whole drive home. After Lucian was out of his car he pulled the piece of paper out of his pocket he had written Juliet's address down on and started in the direction of her house. After a few minutes' drive he pulled up to her house, he turned the heater on in his car so it could start warming up so Juliet would be comfortable. He got out of the car and walked up to the door to knock, after he knocked, Juliet opened the door rather quickly, without hesitation he looks her up and down and greets her with a "hello gorgeous" after she replied to him with the statement that she thought he looked handsome he internally blushed not wanting to show his affection on the outside, he took her delicate hand and kissed it as a sign of affection, he keeps hold of her hand and leads her away from her house after he closes the door for her. 

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