Chapter 43: Orientation

Start from the beginning

"So are you two friends now?" Rhodey asked.

"No we're...well, sorta---"

The room collectively groaned.

"---but not really! We ended up getting along, is that really so bad?"

"On his part, no, on yours?" Tony said, face implying it wasn't good.

"I don't see how this is a bad thing! If us getting along stopped him from being a threat, isn't that what we we're supposed to do here?? Heck, look at Loki! You all don't hate him as much as you used to, and now he's gone quite a few months without trying to kill one of you!"

"That's a little different," Sam said.

"Are you defending Loki?" you asked in surprise, Loki's face showing he was caught off guard as well.

"No I...I'm just saying he, he never kidnapped you. We didn't grow to like him while he was in the act of evil!"

"Ohhh, but you have grown to like him?" you smiled.

Loki's brow was furrowed at Sam, who glanced back and forth between the two of you, looking increasingly uncomfortable.

"No, I don't like him, I tolerate him more," he said unconvincingly, "You know what, don't change the subject!" he said when you and Loki both smirked.

"Silvertongue has grown on us marginally, but he's also never tried to hurt you," Tony stepped in.

You threw a quick look to Loki, resisting the urge to laugh at that statement. Despite his sour mood, he grinned slightly, knowing you were fighting down your amusement at Tony's ironic words.

"She single-handedly got herself out of the situation, all by having a good time for three weeks," Yelena said, "I think it's fair to say that is kinda badass."

"After she got herself captured again," Loki challenged.

"For your information, I kicked Zemo's butt, ok? I won the fight, he cheated and pulled a needle on me before I could call Heimdall."

"Why didn't you call Heimdall right away?" Vision asked.

"Yeah uh......I didn't think of it at first?" you offered, having no other explanation, "But if I had called Heimdall, I wouldn't have been able to punch someone, which is a very satisfying thing to do, so it was all fun in the end."

"See, she gets it," Yelena nodded, giving you a high-five, "You're sitting with me on the way home."

"Wait, so if you're here, does that mean I missed Black Widow? The movie, I mean."

"We took care of it," Nat said.

"I had a super dramatic moment where I was on top of the plane and I stabbed my rod into the engine," Yelena said, reenacting the motion, "Was that in your film? Please tell me it was, it was very cinematic."

"Yeah it was," you laughed, "How did it go? Like, did Alexei and Melina come in and everything???"

"They did," Nat smiled fondly, "They went off with the other Widows."

"Why did you come with Nat? Not that I'm not thrilled you did, but in the film you go with them."

"Well, I'm told the Avengers were supposed to have had some sibling fallout, which isn't the case now," she explained, "I figured I could at least suck some money and resources from Stark to help spread the cure to other Widows."

"I'm not a pile of free cash ya know," Tony said in offense.

"Isn't that your role here?" she returned, "I'm kidding! I kid, your suit is very fun, very cool."

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