Jocks. They Make Me Sick. - Kristy

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That was eight years ago. I was now sixteen. No friends. I don't need friends. I had my brother and mom. They were all I asked for in life. I could come home to two smiling faces and pairs of bright blue eyes. My brother would give me a welcoming hug while my mom would give me a happy smile.

I sighed.
Six more hours, I thought, glancing at the clock on the wall. I was currently in biology, my first class of the day.

I fiddled with my bracelet as the teacher droned on.

"Psst!" I turned to the sound, then got hit with a ball of paper right in the face. I growled, glaring at the jock who had dared to throw it with an overly-obnoxious smirk on his face. At my growl, the smirk dropped slightly but held on his stupid face.

Later, as soon as the bell rang I shot right out of my seat with my bag already slung on my shoulder.

Just another ordinary day at Brian Thomas High School in Seattle, Washingon.

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