???:'...To the point that I'd say...'

Light & ???:'This world...'

Ryuk & ???:"

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Ryuk & ???:"...is rotten.'


Next day:
Light POV:

Teacher:"Another is the extinction of many species of life on the planet."

As usual. The kids aren't paying any attention to the teacher. The teacher doesn't care about it and I'm just staring out the window, hoping to find something interesting. Also listening to the teacher with one ear... Just then I saw a note book appear from the sky and is falling to the ground. It had some writing on the front cover that I couldn't make out. To be honest I'm kind of curious as to what that book is.

Time skip:

I decided to take a look at the mysterious book. As I picked it up I read the cover.

Light:'Death Note? Literally translated as "a notebook of death". How to use it... The human whose name is written in this note...shall die? What a joke...'

No one's POV:

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No one's POV:

Unbeknownst to him, someone, who so happened to have the best senses in the area, saw him nearby who also happens to read the first page in the Death Note. The person decided to started walking to class but not before they gave Light another glanse to the side just in time to see Light put the notebook in his bag.

???:'Huh, it seems like the news is gonna be interesting tonight atleast. Well, if it's real that is. I should get some new books later on.'

Time skip to the end of school at a house.

News reporter:"The assailant who killed six people yesterday at a busy shopping district in Shinjuku has now taken eight people hostage, including children and teachers, in this daycare centre. The police have now identified the suspect as 24-year-old Otoharada Kurou, unemployed." A picture of the guy then poped up.

" A picture of the guy then poped up

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???:"Hmmm...?"'I bet that the kid I saw pick up the Death Note will use this guy for the test run. Eh, I don't know the kid that well yet, so maybe I shouldn't jump to conclusions. Wait! Nooooo! I was so close to winning the gameeee. (T^T)'

The video games is not to loud so that I can hear what the news have to say. I have read the first page so I have an idea on how it works, luckily.

???:'Thankfully I can read fast and that he doesn't know my name nor does he know what I look like. Waaiitt... Fudge cake! I don't know who he is! You know what whatever, all I have to do is- wait a minute what the fuck happened over there?'

News reporter:" Just a minute. There seems to be something happening the hostages are coming out! They all seem to be fine! And now it looks like the SWAT team is entering! Has the suspect been arrested?!...Yes! We just received word that the suspect has died inside the daycare center! The suspect is dead!"

???:" Looks like I was right. Nice."

Time skip to the small book store:
Still ??? POV:

???:'Finally! I made it to the book store!'

I thought a bit out of breath because I have a mask on to avoid talking to people.

I thought a bit out of breath because I have a mask on to avoid talking to people

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I then started to look around. A few minutes later the kid with the notebook came in and start reading a random magazine. Right outside there was a group of dudes with motorbikes harassing a girl.

Shibuimaru:" I'm Shibuimaru Takuo. Shibutaku, for short."

I decided to take the book and go to the bookshelf behind the kid and read a book that is kind of interesting. While reading, I would glance up some time and listen to what Shibuimaru is saying, also watching the kid that actually looks like he is the same age as me.

Shibuimaru pulled a pole out from somewhere and put it against the girls neck to prevent her moving.

Shibuimaru:"C'mon, grab her. Get her clothes off!"

Asshole1:"Can we?!"

???:'Fucking skumbags.'

Girl:"Stop! Please! Stop!"

I then looked at the kid in front of me to see that he wrote Shibuimaru's name in the note book. Not only that but he has written a cause of death next to it and all the different variations of writing the name 'Shibuimaru Takuo.'

???:'Huh, I wonder if it would happen.'

The girl started to run over the street as Shibuimaru climbed his bike and rode after her. Right when he was in the middle of the road a truck came and rode over him, killing him in the process.

???:' Heh, guess the future is going to be interesting to say the least. I wonder what he's gonna do with the notebook.'

I then took the books I was reading with me, paied the cashier and went home to get some rest for tomorrow morning.


Hi I hope you enjoy the first chapter of this book. If you have any questions, please, do ask. I also wanted to let you know that this won't be a fast update. Other than that, I hope you have a lovely day/night.✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜

1171 words.

|[Life or Death]| death note x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now