ch.12 B is for 🌟 🐰

656 13 2

Alright so maybe was creeped out by the stuck animatronic. . . .no biggie
Anywya i got down from the top pary of the monty golf and went to tell someone
"Vanessa! I found something!! "

Vanessa looking suprised" whats wrong? Oh yeah and-"

"I found a purple animatronic! He looks like he has gotten stuck in monty golf"

"Oh?Oh! Well thats where bonnie went! You know scence Roxy has her super vision you'd think she would see him heh"
"Oh well how long has he been gone? Seems that he hasnt been gone for long sence you arnt really-"
Venessa cutting them off saying "years y/n. Hes been gone for years and yet no one has found him until now, hay how did you find him anyway?"

Y/n just 😲 "YEARS? Also uh i was uhm you know just seeing if anything is there"

Vanessa knowing anyway what they where doing" you know you could of asked me about the music man and the DJ there in matinats"
(ill correct the word latter, Class)

"Oh uh heh yeah sorry"

" and i was going to tell you but you cut me off" jokingly softly punch them

"Heh so uh when are they coming back?"
Vanessa"Oh well thats the thing, someone reported that something was wrong and yet havent found anything in them thats wrong, also there are some music mans missing as well"


"Yeah" venessa continuing "someone reported that there was an error and yet cant find anything now thinking about it i couldnt find a name on the slip where the person who reported it was"

"Yeah i wonder"

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