3. A galaxy in his eyes, an universe in his mind

Start from the beginning

William pulled out a gun from his waistband, refilling it with amo before putting it back inside the trousers.

" Yeah you could be right. Maybe because we handled that part before she even got a change to breathe in the London air fully after their mission. "

James looked at William for a brief second and back to the road again." So you, we, can disappear from her radar again? "

William shook his head, a hint of a smile could be seen on his lips. " Not yet. Being the daughter of Denise...oh if you only knew her boy. I hate to say it but she was a smart one, expect nothing else from Arabella. "

" You got a plan? "

" Since we'll be staying here for longer than a day as usual, we got plenty of time to get rid of any possible footprints of us. In any way. My sister and the team must've caught on to something really big since their sudden visit to us. I hate so see my name in bold letters. "

His boss's thoughts were practically on the tip of James tongue before looking ahead again. " So we're going to stay "

William sighed. " If that wasn't clear in my little speech just a couple of seconds ago, then yes. "

James didn't answer. Whatever William was planning in the moment could be risky for several parts, but that was just the little things he needed to worry about. Arabella seemed too innocent and unknown to a world that was closer to her than she could ever imagine.

He definitely didn't wanted to hurt another innocent soul. A soul that was too pure to be walking on the same ground as him.

He parked the car when they arrived outside their destination. The modern private bank made of glass stood as a entry for one of their reasons to visit the country. It stood out amongst the Victorian buildings on the street. James exited the car and adjusted his suit. He decided to wear color and go out from his comfort zone for their visit. Well, the red printed shirt under his black suit was consider as adding a lot of colors if asking him.

He walked up to the building with strode steps and stopped to wait for William to stand beside before they walked towards the entry. " Care to refresh my mind who we're looking for now again? ". James asked as he opened up the heavy glass door.

They stepped inside and looked around to take the massive and luxurious area in. The middle was a open floor area with seatings and plants filling it up along with a marble statue of a man. Two big and golden rounded lamps hung down from the ceiling. At the sides were two more stories that reached all around the inside and up to a glass roof, it did it's purpose to brighten up from the daylight outside.

Williams eyes stopped at the reception in front.
" A young woman with long blonde hair and green eyes, and Pierce's own words, one of our most skilled assassins who's also working undercover. "

James took off his sunglasses and placed it back inside his suit, eyes following his boss'. Williams description of the woman matched the one behind the reception. She was talking with one of her colleges. Their matching clothing could tell it was. Perfectly ironed white blouses with black suits.

" It was Yelena, wasn't it? "

William nodded and took the first steps to approach the reception with James. The woman who was talking with Yelena walked away as her phone rang and the two men stopped as Yelena was about to give one of her professional, sweet smile, but stopped when she spotted the two standing on the other side. Eyes widened while looking around with caution before she went back to her undercover.

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