Chapter One

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     Felix walked up to the transparent glass door of the poster shop. Putting his hand on the knob, he thrust open the door with ease. Felix jumped slightly at the sound of a small bell ringing from above him. It hadn’t been there the last time he had come to the small shop, Sheba must have just made the addition. He figured he would have heard the familiar voice of his feline friend within seconds of crossing the threshold, but to Felix’s surprise, the store was silent. He walked through the displays of smaller posters and calendars until he made his way to the register. He shook his head briefly with a smile as he saw Sheba with her feet propped up on the counter napping in her chair.

       It wasn't unlike her to do this, this was a usual occurrence for her to sleep on the job. He crossed his arms, deciding if he should wake his dear friend or leave and briefly set up his tent before coming back. Hopefully choosing the second option meant that Sheba would be awake by the time he returned. The second option seemed more appetizing to Felix. He once again weaved through the displays and carefully opened the door, thinking if he could open it slow enough the bell atop it wouldn’t chime. Felix was mistaken however, the bell chimed quite loudly and continued to hit the door, making it swing back and forth continuously. When it had finally stopped, he looked back to see if he had disturbed his friend or not. He hadn’t. 

       With a quiet sigh, Felix made his way out of the shop and walked over to the side of the shop. Sheba wouldn’t mind if he set his tent up next to it, right? He figured she wouldn’t. He lifted his yellow satchel over his head and opened it slightly. Like magic, a fully framed tent propelled itself from inside the small bag and landed in front of Felix. After all, it was magic. He set the front tent flap aside and proceeded to sit down inside. He reached his arm down into the satchel and pulled from it, a pillow and a dark colored sleeping bag. Placing them on the right most side of the tent and placing the satchel back over his shoulder, Felix shifted himself so that he was sitting on top of the sleeping bag. He wondered how long he should wait before he attempted to go back into the shop. Would Sheba have woken up by then? 

       Just as he finished his thought, both tent flaps were pulled outward. The action surprised Felix, but he quickly calmed himself when he saw Sheba holding both flaps. “Oh did I wake you with the bell? I tried  not to, heh.” Felix rubbed the back of his head.

       “Eh, no I was already awake.” She dropped the flaps and sat down inside the tent, “I would’ve said something to ya, but I didn’t realize it was you until you walked out the door.” She crossed her legs and placed her hand on her cheek, smiling brightly in her own mischievous fashion. Sheba let out a small giggle, encouraging Felix to do the same.

       “So, what brings you back to town, stranger?” Sheba asked, Felix had always admired her ongoing enthusiasm.

       “I just got back from the mountain, a lot happened that I really want to tell you about!” Felix smiled, leaning forward as if he was gossiping and wanting absolutely no one else to hear what he had to say.
“Oh? How’d you get up on the mountain? Did that tall rabbit guy drag you up there for a date?” She teased, elbowing a now blushing Felix in the shoulder.

       He waved his hands in front of him rapidly, “What!? No, no, nothing of the sort!” He laughed it off, knowing something like that was only real in his mind. He shook his head and continued, “I actually joined a few new friends on the end of their quest the past few days.” He looked back towards the entrance of the tent, wondering if Bendy and Boris as well as Cuphead and Mugman were on their ways back to their homes by now. He certainly hoped they were.

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