Conversations That Are 69% Canon

Start from the beginning

Ignore the typos I made these at 3AM

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Ignore the typos I made these at 3AM

Some additional info

S l o w b u r n my beloved
Romantic interests

S l o w b u r n my beloved Romantic interests

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But anyway

All our dear husbandos... And Not adverse to adding our lovely queens as well (especially Ayaka and mona 😍)

And of course

I have no idea how I'll add him, but I'll be dammed if I didn't try

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I have no idea how I'll add him, but I'll be dammed if I didn't try

Strictly platonic

Klee, Diona, Sayu, Qiqi... But with addition to them Bennet, xinque, Chongyun, xiangling, Fischel and Razor will fall into the platonic category as well.. Bc i feel uncomfortable writing about them in a romantic way... LIKE THEY ARE WHAT 15-16????
Smol kids

The author is asexual and has no idea how seggs works...

Cant write smut my dudes

I mean I'm 18.... So out of curiosity I tried reading it....

I can't take it seriously

But we can go suggestive 🤔 (I think) (I hope? ) (god give me strength)

Hmm wanna see me try?

Are you sure?

Go away kids...... seriously after this point
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Here's a freebie... Imagine who you want

He leans into your touch slightly as his eyes flutter closed, seemingly content with the closeness. A sigh escapes from him and his breath hits your lips. The tip of his nose brushes against yours as you lean in more, your lips meeting in another heated embrace . This time, there's no hesitation as you both deepen the kiss. It's hot, desperate, desperate to get closer, closer than ever.

To be together in any sense of the word.
His hands reach for yours, fingers curling in as he pulls you towards him. He feels so good, like a drug that you can't seem to get enough of. You know it's wrong, but the feeling is too powerful; too consuming to think about anything else right now. You're lost to each other for now, lost in this moment and its consequences.

As your bodies press together, the world fades away. You can hear nothing but the steady rhythm of his heartbeat under your ear, feel the heat radiating off his skin. There's no sound except for the two of you, breathing and heartbeats as one. And when his arms tighten around your waist, pulling you even closer, your knees buckle. His grip tightens, preventing you from falling over. As he presses himself against you, his face buried in the crook of your neck, there are only three words that come to mind

I love you.

Wasn't too bad??
Meh I guess this was fine... More romantic than spicy but oh well...
That's how I roll.

Look if you wanna see how I go about writings anything vaguely romantic check out my drabble dump it has "coherent" stuff as well...

I feel like a drug dealer... Giving my customers a little taste of what my stuff is about

Are you addicted yet?

🥺🥺🥺🥺 If you actually read my notes till the end I give you headpats 👋

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