Commander Peepers Gets a Break

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Peepers, currently on break, moves his drink a little in small circles, mixing it.

He walks down a hallway and hears hooting, clapping, and cheering. Curious, and ready to be angry at Watchdogs slacking off on duty, he approaches the doorway.

Inside, there is a crowd of Watchdog surrounding a pool table, four of them holding pool sticks.

Peepers walks inside with a stern expression and asks, "What is going on here?! Do you have nothing better to do than play pool and cause a loud, distracting ruckus?!"

The Watchdogs grow quiet and stiff.

One Watchdog bravely takes half a step forwards and hesitantly explains, "You see, sir, we were on break, and the match was really exciting-"

Peepers puts a hand out, silencing him. He says, "I don't think a game of pool is a good reason to be so loud..." he sighs, "but I guess it's your break."

The Watchdog, brightening slightly, asks, "Would you like to play, Commander Peepers?"

The rest of the Watchdogs glare at him an unperceivable amount so that Peepers wouldn't notice. Someone in the back quietly grumbles, 'He's a party pooper,' before someone elbows him in the side.

"Thank you for the offer, but I must decline. You may continue what you're doing as long as you do it a little more quietly. You must also get back to work when it is mandated, or there will be consequences," Commander Peepers replied.

As Commander Peepers left the room, the crowd lightened up again, going back to their cheering and loudness.

Peepers grumbled, thinking, 'If only Lord Hater knew what those idiots did during their break... Actually, he'd probably just join them. It's better this way.

'Speaking of which (or thinking of which), I should probably go check on Hater before he breaks something or does something that will get us both in trouble,' he thinks before wandering off, in the search of Lord Hater.

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A few moments later...

Lord Hater walks closer to the loudness of a certain room in the ship with the thought of, 'They'd better not be having a party without me,' ringing in his skull.

Peeking in, he spots the Watchdogs celebrating and having a swell time as some of them engage in a game of pool.

They stiffen upon noticing him, hoping they haven't been caught doing something that will get them in trouble. Some of them even thought that Peepers had probably tattled on them.

Hater asks, "Uhh... what're... what're you all doing?"

The brave Watchdog that had talked to Peepers takes a step forward, about to speak..

"Hater! What'cha doin' here, pal!? Care ta' join us?" Wander piped up.The Watchdog stepped back, glad he didn't have to explain what they were doing a second time.

"Gaah! Wander! What're you doing here? I swear..."

"Well... You see, I was jus' passin' by here when I heard these fellas an came rushin' over! They were on break and playin' pool, so of course, I hadda join!"

Hater fumed, ready to yell at him, but Sylvia interrupted, "Wander's never played pool before, I just finished teaching him the basics. But I think he could still win you, especially since you had this lovely pool table without even realizing it even existed. Ha! You probably don't even know how to play, either!"

Hater fumed, brimming with anger.

"Well, if he doesn't, he can still learn, Syl," Wander says, "Right, Hater?"

Hater, fueled by what he thinks is a challenge says, "Oh, I'm going to play, alright. And I'm going to win you so bad that you're going to be crying home with your mommy! Oh, it's on!"

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

Peepers sighs, growing frustrated.

'Where in Grop's name could he be? I swear I've searched everywhere!'

Peepers is walking by the closed door to the break room, having ended up where he started, when he hears what he thinks sounds like Lord Hater inside the breakroom. He freezes before walking back. Carefully, he opens the door.

"Ha ha ha! I made another ball in the hole! You're going to lose for sure, Wander!" exclaims Lord Hater, pointing to the opposite end of the pool table, where Wander stood, leaning slightly on his pool stick.

The brave Watchdog walks up to Commander Peeper (hesitating and shaking with every step).

He whispers to Peepers, "Lord Hater's playing Wander, hoping to win. He's losing badly, though. He already got three of Wander's balls in, thinking he just has to put more balls in the holes than Wander. He doesn't know the rules."

Commander Peepers sighs, exasperated with Lord Hater.

Suddenly, Wander took notice of Peepers and called out to him, "Hey, C. Peeps! Care ta join!?"

Peepers decides he can't just let Hater humiliate himself and replies, "Fine".

"Great! Syl, that means you can play now, too!" Wander says.

Sylvia cracked her knuckles, taking Lord Hater and Commander Peepers in, "Oh, it's on".

They play all evening: laughing, taunting, and playing together. Wander and Sylvia are winning all games (Peepers was good, but Hater is bad enough for both of them).The Watchdogs kept watching, cheering and whooping. Peepers won't admit it, but the evening was actually quite pleasant and enjoyable. He just hopes Hater will be able to focus on work tomorrow.

The End

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