2 2 1

I get to my dorm in record time.

I open the door and sat infront of the small tv playing a game is none other than:
Ash, Max, Adam, Will, Aubrey, Amelia and Vic. Basically everyone i know in England that i don't want to kill at this moment in Time.

"Hey." Amelia says.

"Hi? So when was world war three? And who started it?" I ask in response.

"Oh Vic said you would be here in like an hour so decided to wait here and beat the SHIT out of us on Mario kart." Will explains. The look on his face was priceless when Vic overtook him.

Adam yet again buts in "yeah now if you don't fucking mind please take your lady to the other room or any other room anywhere i really don't care. so we can not be humiliated anymore especially me in front of Aubrey, she is making me look..."

"Pathetic? Less of a man? Weak? Or maybe a noob." vic says.

"She beating yous?" I ask.

"I mean the easy bots are harder to beat than these." Vic speaks.

She actually participated in the conversation without making a death wish tor herself or to another human being. 
Amelia pauses the game and looks me dead in the eye saying telepathically 'get this bitch outta here.' But instead she chooses to be more civil and polite so says "She's talking to us like that since you blacked out. Saying we're kinda friends. Since we both are friends with you and all that."

"Oh you're my friends now?" I joke
I get a few stares "I'm joking don't take it seriously. Anyway Vic you coming to the other room of better Mario kart players?"

"Not as quick as i will if u take me." Ash yells as i leave the room. I have officially decided to not take that seriously and choose to try my hardest to not over think what he said. But i cant help laughing.

I leave just in time to hear more laughs from the morons i call friends. Vic follows me into my room, well Adam and Wills room too. But mine as well so technically mine.

"By the way we aren't on a date until tomorrow so don't get any ideas."
To be honest i am a little offended by that comment assuming i would get any ideas from that.

"Just because you're sat on my bed doesn't mean I suddenly have a load of ideas that i shouldn't."

"Sorry i got that wrong. Whose to say you don't have them from the start?you know how im so irresistible." I mean she kinda isn't wrong.

"Since when are you so carefree about what you say?"

"Oh you haven't heard what i have to say. Thats just the icing of the cake honey."

"So why did you wait for me? And why here where people are. Living people that talk? And breathe." I ask. "Wait. Did someone like die in that almost week I was in a dead like state?"

"No, i just thought since we're going on a date tomorrow we should talk. A bit. That means sadly them idiots. I mean before i make you read that bloody book that is literally killing everyone not to tell you about."

"Okay sorry. Ill read it once you leave. To be polite."

"I'll leave now then." She says getting up of my bed which i am unable to remember when she sat down on.

I put my hand on my head dramatically and pretend to almost faint "Im not feeling too well tho. Maybe you have to stay longer to make sure in ok."

"I don't want to be a distraction from your recovery. And besides." She inches closer to me her hands moving closer to my face, "maybe, you might get some ideas."

Im about to reply but I'm cut off by heaven.

A/n hi guys. Shorter chapter i know.
Who hates cliffhangers?
Sorry. I know this isn't the best cliffhanger but 😅.

Anyway thoughts?
Fav character so far?
Mines Ash.
Though that may be because i know the ending 🙊 no spoilers!!

Anyway love u guys loads,
you mean sooo much. Don't forget to Vote and comment your thoughts (might get a shoutout)
Love ya x

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