I couldn't believe it, every thing was perfect- every last detail. Against one of the light yellow walls, a crisp white crib was standing, the inside dressed in blue and brown polka-dotted blankets. Next to the crib was a white bookshelf, already filled to the brim with dozens and dozens of picture books. The wood floor was covered in a soft, blue rug that was in the shape of an elephant. In the corner of the room, a plush blue rocking chair was placed, the entire seat masked by half a dozen stuffed animals- ducks, giraffes, and turtles. On the other side of the room, a changing table, dresser, and toy box were sitting. A clock in the shape of a monkey was suspended above the wardrobe, the tail effortlessly swaying as the seconds ticked by. As I walked around the room, I saw picture frames scattered around the walls; some filled with photos of animals, trees, and some were left blank for pictures of the baby itself. There was one picture that caught my attention, which was hanging directly above the crib. Inside the baby blue baroque frame was a picture of Harry and I when we were much younger. I stared at the picture for a minute or two, trying to remember when it was taken.

"It's a picture from the photo booth the day we met, I had it enlarged," Harry intervened.

I studied the picture some more, taking in how happy we looked, even when we barely knew each other. When that picture was taken, I was so unhappy, so worried for the pain that would come. Despite that, Harry managed to make me forget that all. He made me feel normal and healthy, even when needles were intruding my body. He was the reason I am alive- without him, I would have been six feet under. Harry, along with the sweet child inside of me, was my angel. 

My eyes finally left the picture and landed on him. I could tell that he was waiting for my reaction to it all, but I didn't have one. The room was beyond anything I could have imagined, more beautiful than I ever thought possible. It showed me how much Harry cared for not only me, but our baby. Instead of hiring an interior designer, which he certainly could have done, Harry insisted that he do it all, wanting to be the best father he could be. It was all so unbelievable- how did I end up so blessed?

By this time, I was almost tearing up because of Harry's sweetness. For the millionth time since I knew him, I ran into Harry's arms, my head finding its favorite spot right against his heart. A big hand smoothed down my hair while the other remained around my waist. For a long time, we just stood there in the room of our future child, in complete silence. There was so many things I thought about- Harry, cancer, but most of all, the fact that there was something living inside me. The past four months, all I thought about was how bizarre it was, in such a beautiful way. Sometimes, I couldn't fathom the thought that I was now never alone, I would always be with my child. Other times, I would acknowledge the fact that slowly but surely, I was becoming a mother. I would sing to my child, making sure to only choose songs that I thought the little one would enjoy. When Harry wasn't home, I would talk to it, sometimes explaining how Harry and I met, other times speaking about my hopes for the future. Every single night, right before we got into bed, Harry would lean down and kiss my stomach, taking time to whisper things to his child, making sure I didn't hear. Then, he would look down at the bump one last time for the night, stealing another kiss or two, and recite the same statement everyday.

"Sleep tight, baby. Daddy will see you soon."

This went on every single night, since we found out. I would watch Harry each time, my heart swelling as I saw how compassionate and faithful he was to something that hasn't even made an appearance on this earth. I was reminded how good of a person Harry truly was, and how good of a father he was going to be. Once Harry finished his nightly tradition, he would look up at me, flash me his breathtaking, dimple-cheeked smile, and kiss me goodnight. 

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