Alone time with Emma

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Hayley POV.

It's been a week since I got married and I still can't believe I'm married and my wife on paper is going out on a date with her ex. Hey at least I'll have more time with Emma but it still hurts what if they get back together and she leaves with Emma why I'm I thinking like this. It's 12  and Lexi is getting ready for her date with her she isn't dressed up in anything fancy just some jeans and crop top with light makeup, while she was getting ready me and Emma were watching in the night garden on my bed with my laptop that's working somehow this piece of trash of a laptop never works when I try to movies, I don't know if she understands but she's laughing so she's liking the show. " I haven't seen her laugh so much like that in ages she must really love the show" Lexi says walking upto the bed " in the night garden is probably everyone's favourite show as a kid" I mean me and Anna and all cousins used to watch it together always. She kisses Emma on cheeks " mommy is gonna miss you I'll be back in a few hours", " what time will you be back" I say looking at her " probably around 4" I just nod my head we say our goodbyes looks like she's taking her car " well Emma looks like it's just us two now what do you wanna do" we go downstairs mom and Anna are gone shopping so I can't take her anywhere by car and I only ride my motorbike, she looks hungry so I get her baby food I put her on my lap and start feeding her does she really like this baby food she's eating it more the then the other ones looks like we'll have to get more of these ones. After I finish feeding Emma we sit on sofa for an hour watching balamory it looks like she enjoys watching balamory I mean who wouldn't one of the best and the song is catchy, I thought Emma would fall asleep after watching it for so long but she's wide awake I hear the door open and see it's mom and Anna coming back from shopping Anna runs straight to Emma and starts hugging her " I miss you Emma look what I got you" She seriously got her an Spider-Man figure " are you serious does she even know what to do with it" Anna takes it out the box and gives it to Emma who surprisingly starts smiling and playing with it " see sis she likes it when we were watching Spider-Man the other day Emma looked like she was enjoying it".

"Hey Hayley help your mother instead of sitting there" I go help my mother and get all the bags out the car and into the kitchen " by the way where's Lexi" I can't tell her she went on a date with her ex it will make things too awkward " she went out with some of her friends", " well that's good maybe you should do that too" no thank you I'd rather stay home " what happened to that Brittany girl" why talk about that bitch " what about her", " weren't you guys like best friends I'm sure a one point you guys dated", I shake my head no " we weren't dating she only said that because she wanted to make a boy jealous and then we she got him we ended our fake relationship I never liked her one bit" my mom just nods I go back and see Emma and Anna playing with the toys I swear she only got them so she can also play with them but Emma looks happy playing with them so I don't mind. After we finish eating I went to make milk to see if Emma was hungry looks like she ain't hungry she starts to yawn and rub her eyes I pick her up " is my baby sleepy, you want to go sleep" she laying on my shoulder her arms around my neck yep it's time for Emma go to sleep before I put her to sleep I change her nappy and clothes then kiss her cheeks and she smiles while falling asleep. I was on my phone texting Mia because she's talking about her girlfriend I hear the bedroom door open and it's Lexi " has Emma fallen asleep" I nod my head " she went to sleep few minutes ago". " How was your date with your ex" I say looking at her " it was alright we just talked" I wonder what they talked about "talked about what", " just stuff" I just nod my head not wanting to know " if your still hungry mom made food she made some for you aswell". She makes her way down to eat I'm still in bed with Emma I wonder what they talked about but if I carried on that conversation she probably would have got pissed.

I don't really go out much if my friends are going to eat or something I'll go but other then that my life is pretty boring Alex keeps texting me to go party with her the last I did that I was drunk out of my mind I slept with a girl and I didn't see her the next day but she left a note saying thank you for last night and she left bottle of water for me but I was drunk I couldn't remember her face. From then on I stopped going to parties if it's someone birthday party I'll go but I won't drink. I go downstairs not waking up Emma I see Anna watching a tv and mom and Lexi are in the kitchen talking, I sit on the sofa on my phone the group chat we have is useless no one uses it and Mia talks about her girlfriend nothing else I always write one lines and some people in there don't even write. There's like 6 of us and we are close friends. Looks like they will be going out on Wednesday to catch up with each other, should I go or not fuck it I'll go I messaged them I'll go and then all of them started messaging what happened me, these guys are idiots. " Hayley why don't you go out with your friends all you do is sit at home all day", " I'm going out on Wednesday so can stop bothering me about it" my mother smiles and says " oh that's great where are you going", " the girls want to catch up and talk about summer break so I'll be having dinner with them on Wednesday" after a few hour of my mom talking about my childhood we hear Emma crying and Lexi goes upstairs to Emma 5 minutes later Emma is still crying normally she stops when after a minute or two. " Why is Emma still crying it's not like her", " maybe because when she wakes up your always sleeping next to her maybe she didn't see you go check up on them two" I walk upstairs and still can hear Emma crying I open the door Lexi looks at me trying to calm Emma I walk upto them I put my hand on Emma " what's wrong princess" she put out her arms I think she wants me to carry her. I take her off Lexi she still crying but not that loud. " what's wrong did you have an nightmare it's ok I'm here" while trying to calm her down Lexi is laying on the on the bed like something is troubling her. " Is something troubling you", " no it's nothing she hasn't cried like that before" maybe it is true next time I'll stay next to her. " I think she might be hungry I'll get her milk bottle", " no it's okey I'll breastfeed her" oh this is gonna be awkward Emma will probably start crying if I leave. I give Emma to her as I was about to walk out she shouts in baby I have no clue what your saying she starts fidgeting in Lexi arm " I think Emma wants you to stay" I lay down on my side of the bed while Lexi is breastfeeding Emma leaning on the bed-frame I see Emma reaching her left arm out I put my pinky finger out and she's holding onto with her tiny hands this is so cute I gotta take a picture of her cute little finger.

I pull out my phone ready to take the picture of our hands " what are you doing", I look at Lexi saying " I'm taking a picture of her holding my pinky her tiny hands are so cute". I take a picture of our hands I think I'll use this as my phone screensaver,  I'm trying not to look at her breast but I can see it in the corner of my eye and it's getting me horny fuck Emma why are you doing this to me.

Married to the schools queen Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ